Solar Power FAQ

When will solar energy be cost effective for the average residential member to install?

Every year the cost of solar ener­gy sys­tems decreas­es. Even with these decreas­es, the cost jus­ti­fi­ca­tion is heav­i­ly depen­dent upon gov­ern­ment tax cred­its. Present­ly pay­back… Con­tin­ue Read­ing When will solar ener­gy be cost effec­tive for the aver­age res­i­den­tial mem­ber to install?

When will solar energy be cost effective for the average residential member to install? Read More »

How does the cost of community solar compare to the installation of solar panels on my house?

While the cost of installing solar pan­els on a home varies great­ly from house to house, YEC has attempt­ed to keep the Com­mu­ni­ty Solar pric­ing… Con­tin­ue Read­ing How does the cost of com­mu­ni­ty solar com­pare to the instal­la­tion of solar pan­els on my house?

How does the cost of community solar compare to the installation of solar panels on my house? Read More »