Please contact Brent Clinton at or Shane Baker at if you wish to opt out of controlled thermostat use during peak periods.
Smart Thermostat FAQ
Who can participate?
Any YEC residential members who have a reliable WiFi internet connection in their home.
What is the cost of an ecobee thermostat?
An ecobee Smart Thermostat Advanced will be discounted to $90 for YEC members, and an ecobee Smart Thermostat Premium will be discounted to $145 for YEC members.
Who will install my thermostat?
Whomever you choose. After the thermostat is installed and we verify the signal, YEC will reimburse you $75 towards your installation cost. You will also be required to provide your receipt.
How do I qualify for cash back?
Members who purchase a smart thermostat will need to participate in at least 60 percent of peak events throughout the year to receive $100 after one year. If you continue to participate in 60 percent of peak events, you will also receive $50 yearly.
How do I sign up?
It’s easy to get started.
- Complete and sign the participation agreement (PDF download below) and bring it into our York headquarters or Fort Mill office to purchase the thermostat of your choice; see options below.
- Or apply online here