Power Outage FAQ

When I report an outage, why is it important for my correct phone number to be on file?

YEC uses an auto­mat­ic phone answer­ing sys­tem to han­dle pow­er out­age reports. If your cor­rect phone num­ber is on file with our office, your phone… Con­tin­ue Read­ing When I report an out­age, why is it impor­tant for my cor­rect phone num­ber to be on file?

When I report an outage, why is it important for my correct phone number to be on file? Read More »

Why does my smoke detector alarm sound when the power goes off and comes back on?

Some smoke alarms are pow­ered by AC (alter­nat­ing cur­rent) and use a bat­tery back­up. When these units lose pow­er momen­tar­i­ly they may chirp sev­er­al times… Con­tin­ue Read­ing Why does my smoke detec­tor alarm sound when the pow­er goes off and comes back on?

Why does my smoke detector alarm sound when the power goes off and comes back on? Read More »