York Electric Cooperative purchases power for our member-owners from Santee Cooper. The Power Content Label shows the resource mix projected for this year from Santee Cooper.
Green Power FAQ
If I want to terminate this agreement/contract, what is the early termination fee?
There is no termination fee.
What length of agreement/contract is required?
The Green Power Program is voluntary. You can cancel or change your participation in Green Power at any time. There is no contract length.
What other fees might I be charged?
What is Green Power?
Green Power is electricity generated by renewable resources like the sun and methane gas that is found in landfills. These resources are replenished naturally. Green Power is generated by Santee Cooper and distributed by electric cooperatives across the state.
Why does York Electric offer Green Power?
Green Power provides you a direct opportunity to help our environment by supporting electricity generated from renewable power sources. By voluntarily participating in the Green Power program, you and York Electric are proving your commitment to community by helping improve the environment.