Energy Use FAQ

Do you have a service that would allow someone to come to a member’s home and give a review of the home and offer advice on how to make the home more efficient and show them how to reduce their bill?

Yes. York Elec­tric offers a free in-home ener­gy audit. All you have to do is call our mem­ber ser­vices depart­ment at 803–684‑4248 and tell them… Con­tin­ue Read­ing Do you have a ser­vice that would allow some­one to come to a member’s home and give a review of the home and offer advice on how to make the home more effi­cient and show them how to reduce their bill?

Do you have a service that would allow someone to come to a member’s home and give a review of the home and offer advice on how to make the home more efficient and show them how to reduce their bill? Read More »

Someone said outdoor floodlights were making my bill run higher? Is this possible?

Yes, it can. You can save by using your cur­rent spot­lights less, con­vert­ing your cur­rent spot­lights to 23 watt com­pact flu­o­res­cent spots, and by installing… Con­tin­ue Read­ing Some­one said out­door flood­lights were mak­ing my bill run high­er? Is this pos­si­ble?

Someone said outdoor floodlights were making my bill run higher? Is this possible? Read More »