Advance Pay is a pre-pay plan that lets you pay when you want, in the amounts you want. Instead of receiving a paper bill each month, energy use is calculated daily. Advance Pay members never pay a late charge, disconnect fees or reconnect fees.
Billing & Payments FAQ
Having trouble setting up your credit or debit card?
Please contact your financial institution for help.
Other troubleshooting tips:
- Make sure your device has the minimum compatible requirements.
- Make sure your device is up-to-date with the latest system upgrades.
Do you have authentication set up on your device?
- Authentication must be enabled to use mobile device payments.
What security features do mobile device payment options provide?
- Samsung Pay – Fingerprint, PIN or iris
- Apple Pay – FaceID or fingerprint
- Google Wallet – Fingerprint, PIN, pattern or password
Is your bank compatible with mobile device payments?
Learn more by visiting the appropriate support sites here:
What mobile device payment services will work?
- Samsung Pay
- Apple Pay
- Google Wallet
Who can use the mobile device payment option?
Any walk-in members in our York of Fort Mill office locations who have a compatible device.