Our Storm Plan

Employee safety. Prioritizing the safety of our employees enables us to serve our members and allows us to return home each day. Our robust safety program includes: 100% participation in CPR; first-aid training; workday briefings; on-site safety meetings; cybersecurity training; performance evaluations.
Member safety. We strive to empower our community to be safe around electricity in all member programming. Our education materials include: generator safety; emergency preparedness; hazards of fallen lines; fire prevention; storm damage safety; undergound line safety.
System safety. To provide reliable electricity, YEC inspects and performs maintenance on our distribution system regularly. These preventive actions include: clearing our rights of way on a proactive five-year cycle; innovative planning and design to minimize hazards and outages; moving more than half of our primary lines underground.
Before a storm ever hits, York Electric Cooperative is planning how to prevent and correct resulting outages. Our members can rest assured, knowing that our employees are doing all they can to keep the lights on.
Part of York Electric’s mission is to be proactive in business. We’ve incorporated that proactive attitude in our storm preparation through the year-round process of maintaining right of way. What this means is that we are constantly cleaning, clearing, and trimming brush and debris away from our power lines, creating what’s called a right-of-way. When ice and snow weigh down tree limbs, those limbs—and sometimes the entire tree—can fall onto power lines, causing outages.
Extra materials, such as transformers and poles are stocked in advance, and as York Electric’s back-up power supply, office generators are tested regularly. Therefore, even if power is interrupted, our offices will be ready and able to carry on with the restoration of power to our members.
When it is known that a potentially dangerous storm system is headed toward York Electric’s service area, full advantage is taken of an early warning. The Statewide cooperative organization is notified, ensuring that all South Carolina cooperatives are prepared to lend a hand, if necessary. York Electric crews are put on stand-by status, and immediately set out making sure that the fleet of trucks and the needed equipment are ready to go at a moment’s notice. Customer service representatives are also on call to help talk to and reassure affected members. Once the storm hits, a storm center is organized to take outage reports, track problems, and keep communications running smoothly for the crews out working in the often dangerous and difficult circumstances.
York Electric Cooperative is applying new technology to better manage outages and restoration than in the past.
The one way York Electric members can help the most when it comes to improving communications is to make sure their phone numbers are correct within the co-op’s records. The telephone plays an important role in restoring power, and if a member’s phone number is incorrect, problems can arise. Check your electricity bill to see if the correct phone number is displayed.
York Electric is often asked by members what steps they can take to prepare for an impending storm. While we don’t have control over Mother Nature, members can do things to prepare for the possibility of severe weather too. Are you prepared?
The People Behind Your Power
Have you ever wondered how your co-op ensures you have reliable electricity? We count on a team with many skill sets to make it happen every day. Lineworkers, engineers, computer programmers, accountants, and more. We work together to get the job done. Let’s face it, most of us only think about electricity when ours goes out. So let’s take a look at the people who work to restore your power during an outage. Typically, when the power goes out, a consumer member, like you, calls to report the problem. Your call is taken by a co-up member service representative who reports the outage in our system. Member service representatives are proactive problem solvers. After the outage is pinpointed in our system, a line crew is dispatched. Line workers serve on the front lines to ensure you receive reliable power. When an outage is reported, they go straight to the site to determine if repairs and additional equipment are needed. Typically, utility poles, transformers, or power lines may need to be replaced. They work safely as a team to correct the problem. While line workers are out in the field resolving the problem, the communicator back at the Co-op will post information about large outages on our social media pages.
After the line crew makes necessary repairs, they call a dispatcher to let them know the work is done. To ensure the problem is fully resolved, a member of our team sends a ping to the affected electric meters to confirm the signal is good and your power is flowing as it should be. The end result? Happy co-op members. Whether we’re restoring a power outage, conducting a safety demonstration at a local school, or building electric service for our newest of members, it takes a variety of skills and people to keep the Co-op running smoothly. And you, our members, are at the heart of everything we do.
After the Storm
After any big storm or natural disaster, it’s hard to know just what to do in any given situation. There are specific safety precautions that need to be remembered, especially with a commodity as powerful and potentially dangerous as electricity. Scroll down for more about avoiding scams after a storm, how we work to get the power back on, and some commonly asked questions and their answers about power restoration.
Beware of Scams & Fraud Following Disastrous Weather Events
Utility scams and fraudulent schemes often arise after severe weather events. Scammers use phone calls, texts, emails, fake websites, and even door-to-door visits to try to steal from you.
First, please be aware of anyone pretending to be a member services representative from York Electric who asks for your credit card information, banking details, or Social Security number via call, text, or email. Our strict policy is to NEVER ask for personal information or payment methods over the phone or through texts or emails.
Here are the other red flags that should tip you off to the “storm chaser” scam:
Offers for quick repair services. Always ask for an ID or a business license. Contact your insurance company first to see what your policy covers. Get offers in writing, but never pay anything or sign anything – especially regarding the rights to your insurance money – without doing your due diligence and researching the company (the Better Business Bureau is a great place to start.) Most importantly, do not succumb to the number one tool every scammer uses, pressure tactics.
Solicitation of donations in the names of well-known charities or “new” charities that are seemingly related specifically to this disaster, as they are often fake. Investigate the legitimacy of any charity before handing over a penny, never respond to unsolicited requests via phone, text, or email, and never click a link in an unsolicited email message.
Scammers are impersonating representatives from insurance providers or government agencies, like FEMA, offering relief in exchange for payment or requesting personal information to initiate the process.
Price-gouging for goods and services.
Offers of goods and services, requests for donations, pleas from seemingly legitimate community organizations, and more that come to your attention through social media should always be viewed suspiciously and vetted thoroughly before even a “like,” much less any engagement.
Finally, when you do pay for legitimate services or donations, never use cash, wire transfers, or mobile payment apps and services. Credit cards or checks are the safest, most traceable options.
We encourage members to report suspected scams to your cooperative, local authorities, and the National Center for Disaster Fraud at (866) 720‑5721 or online at www.justice.gov/DisasterComplaintForm.
Be vigilant and also rest assured we’re watching out for you.
Learn More About Power Restoration
We do our best to avoid power outages, but sometimes Mother Nature has other plans. Here’s how we go to work when you find yourself in the dark. 1. High-voltage transmission lines. These lines supply power to transmission substations and rarely fail but when damaged, line crews must repair these first. 2. Distribution substations. Substations can serve hundreds or thousands of members. When an outage occurs, line crews inspect substations to determine where repairs must be made.3. Distribution power lines. If an outage can’t be isolated at distribution substations, we inspect the distribution lines. These are the lines that carry power to your community. 4. Tap lines. If the power outage persists, we inspect the tap lines. These lines deliver power to transformers located on utility poles or on pads for underground service. 5. Individual homes. If your home remains without power, the service line between the transformer and your home may be the culprit. Our crews work hard to restore power to the greatest number of members in the shortest time possible. If you experience a power outage, please give us a call.
Power Restoration FAQ
Call any time you have a power outage. We are here to serve you. Once you report the outage, try not to call YEC or the automated outage line again unless you have an emergency. Be assured our crews are doing everything possible to restore your power as soon as possible. Unnecessary calls prevent those who have not reported their outage from getting through to report their outage. Also, duplicate calls can generate multiple outage records for the same location.
If you have medical equipment necessary to sustain life or avoid severe medical complications, it is important to notify YEC and follow the proper steps to be listed as a Special Needs Priority Account. Please click here to learn more. YEC urges members who are dependent on electricity for medical reasons to have a disaster plan and make arrangements before a crisis to relocate to a place where those needs can be met. In the event of an outage, always remember to notify your family and/or friends and call EMS, especially if your situation is life threatening.
Listen to emergency recommendations provided by lead agencies such as local emergency management, civil defense, Red Cross, or police. Follow their recommendations.
YEC does not de-energize facilities because of anticipated damage such as flooding, ice or high winds. The disconnect devices on electrical equipment remain energized until a storm causes them to operate as designed and shut off current.
There could be several reasons: Fuses or circuit breakers in your home could have tripped; trees could have fallen on your service; the transformer that serves you could have a blown fuse or other damage; the primary line could be de-energized because of damage; many YEC lines have more than one wire and your transformer may be the only one connected to the wire that is “dead”.
Once damage to major lines has been repaired, YEC will work on lines serving individuals. At that time, we will determine if an electrician should fix the damage or if we can. Generally speaking, YEC will repair problems up to the weatherhead on overhead service and up to the meter on underground service. Past these points, an electrician is needed.
Once your service is restored every effort will be made to keep it on. Keep in mind, however, that as we repair other parts of the system, some interruptions may be required. In addition, YEC works closely with county, city and state agencies. At their request, we may have to interrupt a circuit if there is a fire or some other emergency. And during ice storms, it is not uncommon for the weight of ice on the line or surrounding trees to cause power lines to break. If the storm continues, a crew may restore your power, and then, with the further accumulation of ice on the lines, your lines may break again.
No. YEC maintains and operates facilities in a manner calculated to provide safe and reliable service. During abnormal weather, we make every effort to provide continuous service, but cannot be responsible for complete or partial failure or interruption of service, or for fluctuations in voltage from causes beyond our control. Just prior to a storm, and during early stages of restoration, members may wish to turn off or limit use of electronically sensitive and/or nonessential appliances.
Overhead services are more exposed to ice, high winds and flying debris. Underground facilities are subject to flooding. Damage to an overhead transformer is often easier to find. Damage to a pad mounted transformer serving underground cable may not be readily visible. Underground lines are susceptible to damage from digging and trenching equipment. And the cost of installing and maintaining underground conductor over hundreds of miles of sparsely populated rural areas would result in an enormous increase in the cost of electricity to you.
Restoring power after widespread outages is a big job that involves more than simply throwing a switch or removing a tree from a line. The main goal is to safely restore power to the greatest number of members in the shortest time possible. In order to accomplish this, the process begins with a damage assessment of the co-op’s lines and facilities by employees who have been specifically trained to accomplish those tasks. The assessment allows YEC to direct its resources (both labor and materials) to areas where they are needed the most.
If there is damage to power plants, switchyards, or transmission lines, those facilities must be repaired by our power supplier before we can restore your service. Transmission lines seldom fail, but they can be damaged by storms. Tens of thousands of people could be served by a single high-voltage transmission line. When those facilities are working, problems in your co-op’s electric distribution system can be corrected.
Substations are repaired first. When a major outage occurs, the local distribution substations are checked first. If the problem can be corrected at the substation level, power may be restored to a large number of people. YEC has 24 substations on its system and there are over 3,500 miles of distribution lines which are routed from the substations.
Distribution lines are repaired. Main distribution supply lines are checked next, if the problem cannot be isolated at the substation. These supply lines carry electricity away from the substation to a group of members, such as a subdivision. When power is restored at this stage, all members served by this supply line could see the lights come on, as long as there is no problem farther down the line.
Individual services restored. The final supply lines, called service lines, carry power from the transformer on utility poles or underground transformers outside houses or other buildings. Line crews fix the remaining outages based on restoring service to the greatest number of members. Sometimes, damage will occur on the service line between your house and the transformer on the nearby pole. This may explain why you have no power when your neighbor does.
It probably is because before service may be restored to you and your neighbors, work must be completed at another location.
Restoring power to homes and businesses is a top priority for York Electric Cooperative, but the safety of our members and employees always comes first – and it’s more important than ever to be cautious during extreme weather conditions. For workers in bucket trucks or attempting to climb poles and towers, high winds are very dangerous. Once a storm passes and winds drop to less than 30 miles per hour, we will safely begin diligently working on outages and bringing you power as quickly as possible.
YEC’s service territory includes some 3,500 miles of electrical distribution line in a four-county region. Restoration time, therefore, depends to a large degree on how many different lines are significantly damaged. Severe damage to transmission systems would have the most disabling effect on restoration efforts.
Restoring power to homes and businesses is a top priority for York Electric Cooperative, but the safety of our members and employees always comes first – and it’s more important than ever to be cautious during extreme weather conditions. For workers in bucket trucks or attempting to climb poles and towers, high winds are very dangerous. Once a storm passes and winds drop to less than 30 miles per hour, we will safely begin diligently working on outages and bringing you power as quickly as possible.
If damage from a storm exceeds our capability to restore service in a reasonable time, we will request crews from other cooperatives. Electric cooperatives work together to assist one another in times of need. In areas not affected by the storm, only a minimum crew will be left to handle calls. Members should expect routine service request calls such as security light repairs or meter connects to be delayed due to the storm.
Restoring power to homes and businesses is a top priority for York Electric Cooperative, but the safety of our members and employees always comes first – and it’s more important than ever to be cautious during extreme weather conditions. For workers in bucket trucks or attempting to climb poles and towers, high winds are very dangerous. Once a storm passes and winds drop to less than 30 miles per hour, we will safely begin diligently working on outages and bringing you power as quickly as possible.
If you experience a power outage and have already checked your main breaker, you should always alert YEC of your location. Please report your power outage by calling PowerTouch: 1–866–374‑1234, texting OUTAGE to 352667, using our mobile app, or logging in to our Member Services portal.
You can’t! Consider all cables and wires energized, whether electrical, cable television or telephone. After a storm any wire can be energized if it falls or gets wrapped around an energized line, whether a few feet or a block away. If a line is in water, there is even more reason to be cautious. Consider it and the water energized. Learn more with our electrical safety videos.
Start by learning about generator safety with our handy instructions.
Connecting a portable or recreational vehicle (RV) generator to home wiring can cause safety problems. Ideally, appliances should be directly plugged into a generator. If you must hook the generator to the main electric panel, it is very important to disconnect your home from YEC’s electrical system first. If not disconnected, power can flow from your generator into outside utility lines and kill or injure crews working on the lines — even some distance away. You could even injure a neighbor if power from your generator flows along common lines to another house.
When electric service is restored to your area, disconnect your generator before turning on power to your home. If you don’t, the generator can be damaged. When using a generator, make sure it has proper ventilation. It should only be operated outside. Remember the generator’s rated wattage is a function of the number of appliances it will power. The wattage of lights or other appliances run off the generator as a total should not exceed the rated wattage of the generator. The manufacturer’s recommendations must be followed for proper usage and load. If you have any doubts, consult a qualified electrician.
One of our top priorities will be to remove trees and debris that have damaged electrical equipment and are preventing service restoration. Members should not attempt to remove or trim foliage within 10 feet of a power line. If a tree or tree limbs have fallen on a power line or pulled it down, do not attempt to get close to the line. If the line is sparking, call YEC at 1–866–374‑1234 and report a downed line.
Learn more with our electrical safety videos.
No. Since YEC has no control over damage done to facilities during storms or other natural disasters, members at large could not be expected to pay for any individual member’s food that might spoil due to storm damage and resulting from electric service interruptions. Remember, electrical disturbances that cause you damage are likely to cause your cooperative damage too, but on a much larger scale. One lighting strike, for example, can cause equipment failure to your cooperative costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. Therefore, we do all we can to reasonably protect the electric system. You must do your part by protecting your own equipment from any storm damage or loss of power.
Learn the ABCDs of food handling and storage in an emergency with our handy Keeping Food Safe guide.
YEC works hard to update the local news media on the overall progress of restoration efforts affecting the area. YEC issues information releases to the news media regarding restoration progress during major power outages. We also post live outage updates and restoration progress on our Facebook Account. Checking YEC’s website and social media Pages via battery-operated web devices are the best ways for you to be informed of storm restoration progress. Be sure to have an emergency kit, equipped with a battery-operated radio and fresh batteries, so you’re ready in case of a major power outage.
You could have a tripped circuit breaker or blown fuse in your home’s electric panel, resulting in partial service. If so, reset the breaker. You may also have a broken connector or wire at one of the service leads to your house. If so, call 1–866–374‑1234. Please take a moment to watch our video, How to Check Circuit Breakers.
Before calling to report an outage:
- Check all circuit breakers or fuses to help determine if your service outage might be the result of a household problem. Learn more in our video, How to Check Circuit Breakers.
- Call a licensed electrician if you have significant water damage in your home that might make it unsafe or if the meter outside your home or any of the piping and wires on the wall of your home looked damaged.