Keeping Food Safe During an Emergency

Did you know that a flood, fire, nation­al dis­as­ter, or the loss of pow­er from high winds, snow, or ice could jeop­ar­dize the safe­ty of your food? Know­ing how to deter­mine if food is safe and how to keep food safe will help min­i­mize the poten­tial loss of food and reduce the risk of food­borne ill­ness. This fact sheet will help you make the right deci­sions for keep­ing your fam­i­ly safe dur­ing an emer­gency.

ABCDs of Keeping Food Safe in an Emergency

Always keep meat, poul­try, fish, and eggs refrig­er­at­ed at or below 40 ºF and frozen food at or below 0 ºF. This may be dif­fi­cult when the pow­er is out. Keep the refrig­er­a­tor and freez­er doors closed as much as pos­si­ble to main­tain the cold tem­per­a­ture. The refrig­er­a­tor will keep food safe­ly cold for about 4 hours if it is unopened. A full freez­er will hold the tem­per­a­ture for approx­i­mate­ly 48 hours (24 hours if it is half full) if the door remains closed. Obtain dry or block ice to keep your refrig­er­a­tor as cold as pos­si­ble if the pow­er is going to be out for a pro­longed peri­od of time. Fifty pounds of dry ice should hold an 18-cubic foot full freez­er for 2 days. Plan ahead and know where dry ice and block ice can be pur­chased.

Be pre­pared for an emer­gency by hav­ing items on hand that don’t require refrig­er­a­tion and can be eat­en cold or heat­ed on the out­door grill. Shelf-sta­ble food, boxed or canned milk, water, and canned goods should be part of a planned emer­gency food sup­ply. Make sure you have ready-to-use baby for­mu­la for infants and pet food. Remem­ber to use these items and replace them from time to time. Be sure to keep a hand-held can open­er for an emer­gency.

Consid­er what you can do ahead of time to store your food safe­ly in an emer­gency. If you live in a loca­tion that could be affect­ed by a flood, plan your food stor­age on shelves that will be safe­ly out of the way of con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed water. Cool­ers are a great help for keep­ing food cold if the pow­er will be out for more than 4 hours—have a cou­ple on hand along with frozen gel packs. When your freez­er is not full, keep items close together—this helps the food stay cold longer.

Digi­tal, dial, or instant-read food ther­mome­ters and appli­ance ther­mome­ters will help you know if the food is at safe tem­per­a­tures. Keep appli­ance ther­mome­ters in the refrig­er­a­tor and freez­er at all times. When the pow­er is out, an appli­ance ther­mome­ter will always indi­cate the tem­per­a­ture in the refrig­er­a­tor and freez­er no mat­ter how long the pow­er has been out. The refrig­er­a­tor tem­per­a­ture should be 40 ºF or below; the freez­er, 0 ºF or low­er. If you’re not sure a par­tic­u­lar food is cold enough, take its tem­per­a­ture with a food ther­mome­ter.


A yellow and gray infographic provides USDA tips to keep food safe before, during, and after a power outage, including specific storage times and temperatures.
An image with a hand holding a cup of water near a freezer. Text advises placing a cup of water in the freezer before a storm.

For addi­tion­al food safe­ty infor­ma­tion about meat, poul­try, or egg prod­ucts, call the toll-free USDA Meat and Poul­try Hot­line at 1–888-MPHotline (1–888-674‑6854); for the hear­ing-impaired (TTY) 1–800-256‑7072. The Hot­line is staffed by food safe­ty experts week­days from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. East­ern time. Food safe­ty record­ings can be heard 24 hours a day using a touch-tone phone.

Infor­ma­tion is also avail­able from the FSIS web­site:


c Expand All C Col­lapse All

Emergency Food Safety FAQ

Drink only approved or chlo­ri­nat­ed water. Con­sid­er all water from wells, cis­terns, and oth­er deliv­ery sys­tems in the dis­as­ter area unsafe until test­ed. Pur­chase bot­tled water, if nec­es­sary, until you are cer­tain that your water sup­ply is safe. Keep a 3‑day sup­ply of water or a min­i­mum of 3 gal­lons of water per per­son.

Dis­card all food that came in con­tact with flood­wa­ters, includ­ing canned goods. It is impos­si­ble to know if con­tain­ers were dam­aged and the seal com­pro­mised. Dis­card wood­en cut­ting boards, plas­tic uten­sils, baby bot­tle nip­ples, and paci­fiers. There is no way to safe­ly clean them if they have come in con­tact with con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed flood­wa­ters. Thor­ough­ly wash met­al pans, ceram­ic dish­es, and uten­sils with hot soapy water and san­i­tize by boil­ing them in clean water or by immers­ing them for 15 min­utes in a solu­tion of 1 tea­spoon of chlo­rine bleach per quart of water.

Dis­card food that has been near a fire. Food exposed to fire can be dam­aged by the heat of the fire, smoke fumes, and chem­i­cals used to fight the fire.

Food in cans or jars may appear to be okay, but the heat from a fire can acti­vate food spoilage bac­te­ria. If the heat is extreme, the cans or jars them­selves can split or rup­ture, ren­der­ing the food unsafe.

One of the most dan­ger­ous ele­ments of a fire is some­times not the fire itself, but tox­ic fumes released from burn­ing mate­ri­als. Dis­card any raw food or food in per­me­able pack­ag­ing — card­board, plas­tic wrap, screw-topped jars, bot­tles, etc. — stored out­side the refrig­er­a­tor. Food stored in refrig­er­a­tors or freez­ers can also become con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed by fumes. The refrig­er­a­tor seal isn’t air­tight and fumes can get inside.

Chem­i­cals used to fight the fire con­tain tox­ic mate­ri­als and can con­t­a­m­i­nate food and cook­ware. Food that is exposed to chem­i­cals should be thrown away; the chem­i­cals can­not be washed off the food. This includes food stored at room tem­per­a­ture, such as fruits and veg­eta­bles, as well as food stored in per­me­able con­tain­ers like card­board and screw-topped jars and bot­tles. Cook­ware exposed to fire-fight­­ing chem­i­cals can be decon­t­a­m­i­nat­ed by wash­ing in soap and hot water. Then sub­merge for 15 min­utes in a solu­tion of 1 tea­spoon chlo­rine bleach per quart of water.

No. Frozen food can thaw if it is exposed to the sun’s rays, even when the tem­per­a­ture is very cold. Refrig­er­at­ed food may become too warm, and food­borne bac­te­ria could grow. The out­side tem­per­a­ture could vary hour by hour, and the tem­per­a­ture out­side will not pro­tect refrig­er­at­ed and frozen food. Addi­tion­al­ly, per­ish­able items could be exposed to unsan­i­tary con­di­tions or to ani­mals. Ani­mals may har­bor bac­te­ria or dis­ease; nev­er con­sume food that has come in con­tact with an ani­mal.

Rather than putting the food out­side, con­sid­er tak­ing advan­tage of the cold tem­per­a­tures by mak­ing ice. Fill buck­ets, emp­ty milk car­tons or cans with water and leave them out­side to freeze. Then put the home­made ice in your refrig­er­a­tor, freez­er, or cool­ers.

Nev­er taste food to deter­mine its safe­ty! You will have to eval­u­ate each item sep­a­rate­ly. If an appli­ance ther­mome­ter was kept in the freez­er, read the tem­per­a­ture when the pow­er comes back on. If the appli­ance ther­mome­ter stored in the freez­er reads 40°F or below, the food is safe and may be refrozen. If a ther­mome­ter has not been kept in the freez­er, check each pack­age of food to deter­mine the safe­ty. Remem­ber, you can’t rely on appear­ance or odor. If the food still con­tains ice crys­tals or is 40°F or below, it is safe to refreeze.

Refrig­er­at­ed food should be safe as long as pow­er is out no more than 4 hours. Keep the door closed as much as pos­si­ble. Dis­card any per­ish­able food (such as meat, poul­try, fish, eggs, and left­overs) that have been above 40°F for 2 hours.

Yes, the food may be safe­ly refrozen if the food still con­tains ice crys­tals or is at 40°F or below. You will have to eval­u­ate each item sep­a­rate­ly. Be sure to dis­card any items in either the freez­er or the refrig­er­a­tor that have come into con­tact with raw meat juices. Par­tial thaw­ing and refreez­ing may reduce the qual­i­ty of some food, but the food will remain safe to eat.