Flood Warnings

Flooded RoadWhen a flood warn­ing is issued, remove or relo­cate all elec­tri­cal equip­ment to areas well above the esti­mat­ed flood height. Switch off elec­tric­i­ty to non-essen­tial cir­cuits before they are sub­merged in flood­wa­ter. If your home is evac­u­at­ed, unplug all appli­ances and remove the switch fus­es in the meter box. After a flood, when approach­ing your home, watch for downed wires. Do not dri­ve over them or get close to them. Always assume they are ener­gized and call author­i­ties.

Upon re-enter­ing your home, do not attempt to reset cir­cuit break­ers until all water has reced­ed. Be sure to wear dry clothes and rub­ber-soled shoes, and stand on some­thing dry and non-con­duc­tive, such as dry wood­en fur­ni­ture. After plug­ging in an appli­ance, if the break­er trips or a fuse blows, or if you see or smell smoke, dis­con­nect the appli­ance imme­di­ate­ly and call a ser­vice per­son. Learn more at Ready.gov.