Solar Advisory Program

Solar Ener­gy is becom­ing more preva­lent in our area and your co-op is here to help as your trust­ed ener­gy advi­sor.

Inter­est­ed in installing pan­els on your home? Let YEC be your source of infor­ma­tion – to eval­u­ate the solar com­pa­ny’s offer, pro­vide a cost analy­sis for you and guide you through the process.

We are here to give you the facts and to help you make the right choice for your home.

Solar advisor, Brett Clinton, smiles for the camera

Brent Clinton


Email Brent


[PDF] Solar Interconnection Steps

108 KB 1129 down­loads

Two people converse outside a stone house with a red roof. One holds a file folder, the other wears a red shirt.
Ron­nie Tay­lor took advan­tage of YEC’s Solar Advi­so­ry Pro­gram to see which renew­able quote will work best for him. “I’m hap­py my co-op is able to pro­vide me with the facts about solar while help­ing me make the best deci­sion for my home,” said Tay­lor, shown with YEC’s Brent Clin­ton (far left). Pho­to: Erin Pow­ell

YEC Solar Advisory Overview Video

YEC Solar Advisory Video with Captions

YEC Solar Advisory Overview Video with Captions

YEC Solar Advisory Video with Captions