Overhead Lines
There are some special precautions you should take when working or playing outdoors where electricity is present.
Overhead power lines, for example, always should be considered energized and uninsulated… which means you should exercise special care to avoid touching them… ever! This includes keeping ladders, antennas and poles away from power lines. Please remember…
- Always call a professional to trim trees near power lines.
- Don’t let boat antennas, sail masts or fishing poles come in contact with overhead power lines.
- Never allow pool cleaning equipment to touch power lines near the pool area.
- If you have a swimming pool, make sure that overhead wiring does not pass over the pool and is safely away from the pool area.
- When boating, launch your boat before raising the sail. Always look up for power lines around boat landings and lake crossings.
- Be careful with ladders, rakes and other items around power lines.
- If a power line falls during severe weather, stay away from it! Report the downed line to York Electric immediately!
- If your power lines are underground, do not begin digging in the area without calling Palmetto Utility Service at 888–721-7877 – or just call 811. The service will be able to tell you where underground lines are located so you can dig safely.
- Don’t use nails or heavy staples to attach signs or notices to power poles — they can be a nightmare for lineworkers. Nails and staples can interfere with special climbing hooks used by lineworkers to climb poles and can also increase the risk of electrocution.
Safety Tip: When a Vehicle Crashes Into a Utility Pole