Outlets are limited. Individual electric outlets are designed to carry a set amount of electricity, so remember:
- Plugging too many electrical devices into one outlet can cause a fire by overloading the outlet.
- Safety devices such as fuse boxes and circuit breakers help protect you by providing a warning of overloading. But they can’t always protect you.
- Never ignore the warning by overriding the fuse box with a penny.
Plug into safety
- Don’t assume that because your appliances operate their power cords are in good condition. Check for frayed wires and cracked or damaged insulation.
- Never alter three-pronged (grounded) plugs to fit two-pronged outlets or extension cords. The ground (third) is there for your protection.
- Use caution with extension cords and use the proper extension cord for the job.
- When using electricity outdoors, use only cords and plugs designed for outdoor use.
- Rely on Underwriters Laboratories (UL) certified equipment.
- Don’t leave power tools and lawn accessories plugged in when not in use.
- Grasp the plug, not the cord, when unplugging.
To get optimum efficiency from all your home appliances, always use heat resistant cords and keep them away from heat sources. Use extension cords sparingly.