Safety & Reliability
Used responsibly, the reliable electric power York Electric provides makes countless tasks easier and more convenient in the home and workplace. One way to make sure you use electricity responsibly is to be informed about electrical safety. This section offers safety tips for both indoor and outdoor activities. And if you have any questions about electrical safety, please contact us.

Recent Safety Concerns


Electromagnetic Fields & Radio Frequency
Careful Around Electrical Substations

- Teach youngsters to stay away from electrical substation fences – they are NOT for climbing.
- Contact us if you see a substation fence or transformer cabinet that is open or vandalized.
- Never fly kites or drones near substations.
- Never release metallic balloons near substations, which can cause power outages when they contact power lines.
Safety Downloads
How We Provide Reliable Service
Since 1941, we’ve been committed to keeping the lights on, rain or shine. We also want you to know your water will be hot, your phones will be charged, and, most importantly, the electricity you use is safe. We spend much of our customer relations time and energy on communicating with you when there are hiccups in service and, in turn, opening up your lines of communication to us via as many avenues as possible. But it is equally important for all our member-owners to be able to trust in our reliability and know what we’re doing – and improving – in our systems to keep your life running smoothly.
How We Maintain Our Infrastructure
New Horizon is owned by the five upstate South Carolina cooperatives. For many of our substations, they own and maintain the high side, or where transmission lines enter the station. New Horizon also works with YEC to help us maintain the equipment inside the substation, increasing reliability for members. Here’s a summary of our combined efforts to keep everything in optimum working order:
York Electric’s Operations Center
From our greatly-improved operations center, we can use technology to locate outages, dispatch our lineworkers, focus on safety and organization, and communicate important information to our employees in the field. Although we might not be outside, our connections and communications to employees working across our service territory puts us in the trenches with them when it matters most.

Reliability Metrics
While statistics and numbers are no comfort when the power is out, we do keep track of all the details on outages. YEC uses these metrics to determine where we fail, where we succeed, and where we can improve (or have improved) so we can ultimately provide the best service possible. These are the measurements we employ:
- SAIDI – System Average Interruption Duration Index: The total amount of time the average member is without power during the year in minutes.
- SAIFI — System Average Interruption Frequency Index: The number of times the average member is without power during the year in minutes.
- CAIDI — Customer Average Interruption Duration Index: The average duration of the outage for the average member during the year in minutes.

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)