Trade a Tree

Trade a Tree

YEC’s Trade a Tree pro­gram is designed to help mem­bers who have had a tree cut down on their prop­er­ty for right of way main­te­nance. While this improves ser­vice reli­a­bil­i­ty, your co-op under­stands your land­scape is impor­tant and valu­able to you. Upon approval, mem­bers will receive up to $150 in coupons for local nurs­eries to replace trees that have been removed.

YEC’s employ­ees involved in the co-op’s ROW main­te­nance effort will vis­it mem­bers’ homes to deter­mine if trees near co-op lines need to be removed. If so, they will issue a coupon.

Cur­rent­ly, three local nurs­eries – Lee’s and Rolling Hills in Rock Hill and Pen­land Tree Farm in York – will redeem the coupons. For more infor­ma­tion about York Elec­tric’s Trade A Tree pro­gram, call (803) 684‑4248 or sub­mit your request via the con­tact page.

Lee’s Nursery

Rolling Hills Nursery

Penland Tree Farm