Right of Way Schedule

An open planner lies on a wooden table, displaying a weekly view with dates written in red, set in a softly lit room.

Trimming improves reliability

Poten­tial acci­dents are all around us, espe­cial­ly when it comes to elec­tric­i­ty. Whether it is inclement weath­er or anoth­er kind of safe­ty haz­ard, YEC strives to keep you safe. That is why YEC imple­ments the con­tin­u­al process of keep­ing our rights of way clear.

Did you know YEC main­tains our right-of-way on a five-year rota­tion? While this time­line is tight, it is worth it to keep ser­vice reli­able for our mem­bers.

In addi­tion to cut­ting new rights-of-way for our Rur­al Inter­net Project, your co-op has con­tin­ued to pri­or­i­tize reli­able ser­vice by main­tain­ing dis­tri­b­u­tion rights-of-way. This not only helps keep your pow­er on, but it also helps improve safe­ty and restora­tion efforts if out­ages occur.

We have estab­lished the fol­low­ing right-of-way main­te­nance sched­ule for the first quar­ter of 2025:

We will start the year by cut­ting every­thing on the Cataw­ba Indi­an Reser­va­tion side of the Cataw­ba Riv­er (part of Reser­va­tion Road, Indi­an Road, Green­wood Road, and part of Neely Store Road).

We will then move to the Lan­cast­er Coun­ty side of our sys­tem. We will begin with cut­ting all of South Lan­cast­er, start­ing with Crow Road, Old Church Road., Van Wyck Road, Grif­fin Road, Steele Hill Road, and part of Wax­haw High­way. We will then move to Ander Vin­cent Road, anoth­er part of Wax­haw High­way, Jim Wil­son Road, Green Pond Road., and part of Hen­ry Har­ris Road).

Fol­low­ing our work in South Lan­cast­er, we will move on to Collins Road, Hen­ry Har­ris Road, Mar­vin Road, Sta­cy Howie Road, and Vance Bak­er Road.


c Expand All C Col­lapse All

Right of Way Maintenance FAQ

The ROW is cleared by cut­ting, trim­ming, mow­ing and where per­mis­si­ble, apply­ing her­bi­cides. In most cas­es, all shrubs, brush and trees are removed under pri­ma­ry (main), over­head pow­er lines. They are also removed, as and around sec­ondary, low-volt­age pow­er lines that bring pow­er from the trans­former to your meter. Cut­ting and trim­ming are done by trained, pro­fes­sion­al util­i­ty tree trim­mers using spe­cif­ic and proven stan­dards typ­i­cal to the indus­try.

ROW refers to the cor­ri­dor or path­way an elec­tric line fol­lows, whether it’s along the road or through the woods. ROW pro­vides util­i­ty crews with access to lines for improve­ments, main­te­nance, and repairs. It also pro­vides an oper­a­tional safe­ty zone between the elec­tric lines and trees, build­ings, etc. On the major­i­ty of its lines, York Elec­tric holds ease­ments that give it the right to clear land 15 feet from either side of the wire.

A clear ROW min­i­mizes out­ages, improves pow­er qual­i­ty, reli­a­bil­i­ty, and safe­ty.

  • Caus­es pow­er out­ages
  • Caus­es lights to blink
  • Obstructs visu­al inspec­tions, mak­ing repairs dif­fi­cult and cost­ly
  • Blocks access for main­te­nance and repairs, caus­ing delays
  • Wastes elec­tric­i­ty by draw­ing it to the ground
  • Becomes a fire haz­ard
  • Becomes a safe­ty haz­ard for util­i­ty work­ers and mem­bers
  • Chil­dren and adults should nev­er climb, trim, or touch trees that con­tact pow­er lines!

York Elec­tric’s ROW main­te­nance pro­gram bal­ances the preser­va­tion of nat­ur­al habi­tats against the ser­vice reli­a­bil­i­ty needs of our mem­bers and the safe­ty needs of the gen­er­al pub­lic. In fact, it can actu­al­ly ben­e­fit the ecosys­tem and oth­er nat­ur­al envi­ron­ments. ROW main­te­nance efforts cre­ate open areas that encour­age the growth of wild­flow­ers, ferns, grass­es, flow­ers, berries, and oth­er low-grow­ing shrubs.