Metering Information

York Elec­tric cur­rent­ly has two types of meters in our ser­vice ter­ri­to­ry – meters that uti­lize Advanced Meter­ing Infra­struc­ture (AMI) and Sen­sus Enhanced Meters, which pro­vide the ulti­mate in safe, smart, secure meters. Even­tu­al­ly, all YEC mem­bers will have a Sen­sus Enhanced Meter at their ser­vice address, and we are active­ly rolling out the replace­ment sys­tem. For now, meter­ing infor­ma­tion on both AMI and Enhanced Meters can be found here and will be updat­ed as instal­la­tion for all mem­bers pro­gress­es.

Choose a Meter System to Get More Information:

Enhanced Meters

Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Announcement for York Electric Cooperative's enhanced meter, featuring a lightning bolt symbol and slogan: "We're locals looking out for you."

Safe. Smart. Secure.

York Elec­tric is mak­ing invest­ments to improve our elec­tric grid. We are replac­ing old meters with enhanced meters, sim­i­lar to what oth­er coop­er­a­tives and util­i­ties around the coun­try have already done.

YEC’s enhanced meters allow us to take read­ings remote­ly, pin­point out­ages more quick­ly, and pro­vide more detailed data on your ener­gy use. Say hel­lo to improved effi­cien­cy, mem­ber ser­vice and reli­a­bil­i­ty.

York Electric and its contractors (PIKE) will be installing new meters in your area over the coming months.

How will I know you’re coming?

You’ll receive a post­card regard­ing our instal­la­tion sched­ule. Once the meter change-out is com­plete, our PIKE con­trac­tors will leave a con­fir­ma­tion door hang­er.

What do you need to do?

Please be sure to pro­vide access to the elec­tric meter at your house by clear­ing any obstruc­tions, like bush­es, fur­ni­ture or gates that need to be unlocked. You don’t need to call or con­tact YEC.
The installer will knock on your door to let you know about the meter exchange, and your pow­er will be off for less than 5 min­utes. Please allow the installer to have safe access by keep­ing pets away from YEC’s elec­tric meter.

What if I miss the installer?

We’ll leave a door hang­er with a MISSED VISIT mes­sage. Call us at (803) 684‑4248 to resched­ule or com­plete our online form:
Map displaying interconnected streets in a suburban area with labeled roads and highlighted routes in orange. No recognizable landmarks are visible.

Stay Up-to-Date on Our Enhanced Metering Project

Want to know where you are on the list? When we’ll be replac­ing meters in your neigh­bor­hood? How many meters we’ve replaced so far?

Check back often to view updat­ed work maps and progress reports.


A digital electricity meter labeled "Stratus IQ+" displays readings. Encased in clear plastic, it features several buttons and identification numbers.

YEC and our meters are getting smarter together

Enhanced meters put secu­ri­ty, safe­ty & health first. Here’s what you need to know.


  • Enhanced meters will not keep my usage data secure.

  • The coop­er­a­tive will be able to con­trol and see what I’m doing when I use elec­tric­i­ty.

  • Enhanced meters increase the risk of fire and explo­sion.

  • These meters do not pro­vide any safe­ty ben­e­fits.

  • They cause health risks due to their high RF (radio fre­quen­cy).

  • Enhanced Meters will inter­fere with my med­ical devices.


  • YEC’s strong secu­ri­ty pro­tects all com­mu­ni­ca­tion exchanges, end-to-end.

  • Meters only mea­sure your usage data through­out the day, not how you use it.

  • Meters must meet safe­ty require­ments spelled out in the ANSI (Amer­i­can Nation­al Stan­dards Insti­tute).

  • Meters have a detec­tion mode and alert us when some­thing is wrong includ­ing over­heat­ing, tam­per­ing and low volt­age.

  • RF emis­sions are well below lim­its set by the Fed­er­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Com­mis­sion.

  • Pace­mak­ers, elec­tron­ic defib­ril­la­tors and oth­er med­ical devices will not be affect­ed.

Has your enhanced meter been installed?

At YEC, our pri­or­i­ty is to look our for you, our val­ued mem­bers. When you have a moment, we would love to hear about your expe­ri­ence.

Have more ques­tions? Call us at (803) 684‑4248 or get in touch online
We’re work­ing togeth­er for a smarter ener­gy future..