Indoor Safety

A pile of disconnected LED light strips and wires, amidst a cluttered workspace, suggesting repair or assembly in progress.

Frayed cords are dangerous

Insu­la­tion keeps elec­tric­i­ty in the wires, where it belongs. Reg­u­lar­ly check appli­ance pow­er cords and con­nec­tions for wear, and don’t use dam­aged cords.

A slice of toast with green toppings levitates above a stainless steel toaster, against a dark background with visible steam.

In the case of burnt toast…

Nev­er insert met­al into a toast­er under any cir­cum­stances. Met­al con­ducts elec­tric­i­ty. If you must remove burnt toast, unplug the toast­er first.

A person wearing pink gloves rinses a pot at a sink near a countertop multicooker, with a brick wall backdrop.

Water + electricity = shocking

Always unplug an appli­ance before clean­ing it. Even if turned off, it can shock you. Use out­lets with GFCIs for appli­ances near sinks.

Emergency kit essentials including a flashlight, water bottle, biscuits, canned food, matchbox, candles, multi-tool, phone, and batteries on a gray surface.

Keep these items handy

Flash­lights, bat­tery-pow­ered radio, fresh bat­ter­ies, bot­tled water, canned and dried foods, blan­kets, man­u­al can open­er, first aid sup­plies.

A red foam fire extinguisher hangs on a gray wall with an instructional sign above, showing usage steps and safety icons.

Keep your family safe

Keep flam­ma­ble items far from light bulbs, heaters, or toast­ers. Install smoke detec­tors, keep extin­guish­ers on hand, and have a fire escape plan.

The image displays a close-up of holiday string lights with a blurred background of warm, glowing bokeh circles, creating a festive ambiance.

Keep the holidays happy

Always turn off all hol­i­day lights before you leave home and when you go to bed. Keep trees, box­es, and wrap­ping paper away from heat sources.

This image shows a coiled orange extension cord with a three-prong plug, isolated on a white background.

Practice extension cord safety

Exten­sion cords are only for tem­po­rary use. Nev­er put them under rugs or fur­ni­ture, as they can over­heat or become dam­aged.

A person holding a silver hairdryer against a pink background, with a simple design and a visible power button.

Don’t mix water and electricity

Elec­tric­i­ty flows eas­i­ly through water. Keep hairdry­ers, curl­ing irons, elec­tric razors, elec­tric tooth­brush­es, and oth­er appli­ances away from water.

A child wearing a striped hoodie attempts to plug a cord into a wall socket, sitting on a wooden floor.

Keep little hands out of trouble

If small chil­dren are in your home, put safe­ty cov­ers on all elec­tri­cal out­lets that are with­in their reach. Keep appli­ances and cords away from chil­dren.

A yellow portable generator with a metal frame is placed on a wooden deck outdoors, displaying various electrical outlets and controls.

Make sure it’s safe

Nev­er oper­ate a home back­up gen­er­a­tor with­out a prop­er­ly installed trans­fer switch to iso­late your home wiring from main pow­er lines.

A wall outlet with GFCI has two black plugs inserted. The outlet includes test and reset buttons on a light switch plate.

GFCIs can save your life

Ground Fault Cir­cuit Inter­rupters (GFCIs) cut pow­er in time to pre­vent seri­ous shock. Use in bath­rooms, garages, near kitchen sinks, and out­doors.

Various electrical plugs and chargers connected to wall sockets on a wooden panel, with a white charger and a room freshener visible.

Don’t overload outlets

An over­loaded out­let is a fire haz­ard. If yours are over­loaded with many plugs, con­sid­er hav­ing a qual­i­fied elec­tri­cian install addi­tion­al out­lets.