Stop Electric Service

Thank you for being a mem­ber of York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive. To dis­con­nect ser­vice with us, please choose from the meth­ods below – online mem­ber por­tal, online appli­ca­tion, by phone, or in per­son.*

YEC Mem­ber Por­tal

To stop ser­vice, please log in to your YEC Mem­ber Por­tal account, go to the “Ser­vice Requests” tab, and select “Dis­con­nect Ser­vice.”

Member Portal Disconnect Service menu screenshot.

Online Appli­ca­tion

If you do not have an online account, please click the but­ton below to com­plete the online form.

By Phone

Please gath­er your membership/account infor­ma­tion and call Mem­ber Ser­vices at 803–684-4248, M‑F, 8 AM‑5 PM.

In Per­son

Please gath­er your membership/account infor­ma­tion and vis­it us at our Main Office at 1385 East Alexan­der Love High­way, York, SC, M‑F, 8 AM‑5 PM, exclud­ing hol­i­days, or our Fort Mill Office at 2089 High­way 21 By-pass, in Fort Mill, M‑F, 8 AM-12:30 PM and 1:30 PM‑5 PM. To pro­vide the ser­vice and atten­tion you deserve, our lob­bies are now open by appoint­ment only. To sched­ule an appoint­ment, please call our team at 803–684-4248.

To con­firm your ser­vice order request and com­plete your trans­ac­tion, a rep­re­sen­ta­tive from our mem­ber ser­vices team will con­tact you by phone on the num­ber pro­vid­ed. Please note it will be required for a mem­ber ser­vices team mem­ber to ver­i­fy the account holder’s iden­ti­ty by phone before your ser­vice request can be processed.

For any ques­tions or to check on the sta­tus of your request, please con­tact our mem­ber ser­vices depart­ment at 803–684-4248 dur­ing reg­u­lar busi­ness hours, Mon­day through Fri­day, from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM.