Start Electric Service

By Phone

Please review and gath­er the basics list­ed below and call Mem­ber Ser­vices at 803–684-4248, M‑F, 8 AM‑5 PM.

In Person

Please review and gath­er the basics list­ed below and vis­it us at our Main Office at 1385 East Alexan­der Love High­way, York, SC, M‑F, 8 AM‑5 PM, exclud­ing hol­i­days, or our Fort Mill Office at 2089 High­way 21 By-pass, in Fort Mill, M‑F, 8 AM-12:30 PM and 1:30 PM‑5 PM. To pro­vide the ser­vice and atten­tion you deserve, our lob­bies are now open by appoint­ment only. To sched­ule an appoint­ment, please call our team at 803–684-4248.

Here are the basics for establishing service:

  • Apply at least one (1) busi­ness day pri­or to the day you are request­ing the pow­er to be turned on. For same-day con­nec­tions (if avail­able), an addi­tion­al fee may apply.
  • A non-refund­able $25 ser­vice acti­va­tion fee and a $5 mem­ber­ship fee are required.
  • Have your driver’s license and Social Secu­ri­ty num­ber handy.
  • To deter­mine if a secu­ri­ty deposit is required, we will run a cred­it check using your Social Secu­ri­ty num­ber. Based on your cred­it or YEC pay­ment his­to­ry, we may require a deposit (paid by cash, check, or mon­ey order).
  • If you do not wish to have your cred­it checked, a max­i­mum deposit will be required before your appli­ca­tion is processed and ser­vice is estab­lished. Con­cerned about pay­ing a ser­vice deposit? Learn about Advance Pay

Com­plete the New Ser­vice Infor­ma­tion Form and the Mem­ber­ship Appli­ca­tion com­bined in this PDF down­load:

Dif­fer­ent types of ser­vice may require addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion:

Exist­ing res­i­den­tial: You may be asked to pro­vide a copy of your lease or home pur­chase agree­ment.

New res­i­den­tial con­struc­tion: You will need to pro­vide a copy of your build­ing per­mit and a com­plet­ed Under­ground Appli­ca­tion to Mem­ber Ser­vices in per­son or via fax to 803–628-1955.

The com­ple­tion of ser­vice forms does not estab­lish ser­vice. You will be con­tact­ed by a Mem­ber Ser­vices rep­re­sen­ta­tive to fin­ish the process, request addi­tion­al forms, and/or ver­i­fy the infor­ma­tion.

We will always do our best to prompt­ly and effi­cient­ly respond to your request dur­ing nor­mal busi­ness hours; how­ev­er, we can­not guar­an­tee same day ser­vice, so please plan accord­ing­ly. Ser­vice con­nec­tions are not per­formed on week­ends or hol­i­days.

Need help with your ser­vice request? You can reach us at 803–684-4248. We’re avail­able M‑F, 8 AM‑5 PM, exclud­ing hol­i­days.

Welcome to York Electric Cooperative!


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New Service FAQ

New per­ma­nent res­i­den­tial ser­vices, includ­ing mobile homes, are not charged for sec­ondary under­ground ser­vice. Under­ground ser­vice can be installed upon request for barns, wells, shops, stor­age build­ings, and oth­er non-per­­ma­­nent res­i­dences, but a charge will be incurred by the mem­ber. This charge is deter­mined by YEC’s engi­neer­ing depart­ment. Chang­ing exist­ing over­head ser­vice to under­ground will incur a high­er charge. Under­ground ser­vice lines are more expen­sive to install than over­head ser­vices, but do not require as much main­te­nance.
Cat­e­go­ry: New Ser­vice FAQ

Mem­bers of YEC are required to pay a one-time, non-refund­able mem­ber­ship fee of $5 and a ser­vice fee of $25. A secu­ri­ty deposit of $295 may be required, depend­ing on the appli­can­t’s cred­it his­to­ry, for res­i­den­tial ser­vice.

Cat­e­go­ry: New Ser­vice FAQ

Res­i­den­tial Accounts – If no cred­it his­to­ry with YEC exists, the coop­er­a­tive will charge the $295 deposit. How­ev­er, there is a way to waive the deposit for res­i­den­tial ser­vice. YEC ver­i­fies the iden­ti­ty of new mem­bers through Online Util­i­ty Exchange; this process also gen­er­ates a cred­it check. If the iden­ti­ty check meets YEC stan­dards, then the deposit may be waived.

Com­mer­cial Accounts – Deposits must be paid on com­mer­cial accounts. Cred­it checks are not accept­ed for com­mer­cial accounts. Con­trac­tors build­ing sev­er­al homes are allowed to have one deposit for sev­er­al accounts, pro­vid­ed these accounts are kept cur­rent.

Cat­e­go­ry: New Ser­vice FAQ

Res­i­den­tial Accounts – Res­i­den­tial deposits are refund­ed, if an excel­lent pay­ment his­to­ry (as defined by YEC) is main­tained, for 12 con­sec­u­tive months. The deposit is auto­mat­i­cal­ly cred­it­ed to the bill when the mem­ber meets the above-men­­tioned qual­i­fi­ca­tions, or it is applied towards the final bill. If there is any remain­ing deposit owed to the mem­ber, a check will be mailed; there­fore, it is impor­tant for YEC to have your for­ward­ing address.

Com­mer­cial Accounts – The deposit is applied to the final bill.

Cat­e­go­ry: New Ser­vice FAQ

It depends on the cir­cum­stance; there­fore, YEC does not promise con­struc­tion com­ple­tion dates. If line con­struc­tion is nec­es­sary, YEC requires a min­i­mum notice of 10 work­ing days. In order to begin ser­vice the fol­low­ing is required: coun­ty per­mit, ser­vice order request, meter base installed, signed under­ground form, and mem­ber appli­ca­tion. Fail­ure to pro­vide these doc­u­ments may delay the process. Con­nec­tion for ser­vices, oth­er than tem­po­raries and agri­cul­tur­al uses, must have pow­er autho­riza­tion before YEC can set the meter. Oth­er fac­tors to con­sid­er when request­ing ser­vice:

  • Weath­er can cause delays in the con­struc­tion process.
  • Ser­vices in sub­di­vi­sions do not take as long to con­nect because the pri­ma­ry ser­vice is already installed.
  • A new home, that has­n’t had pow­er before, may need to have right of way obtained or cleared. Also, poles may need to be set in order to get ser­vice to the home.
Cat­e­go­ry: New Ser­vice FAQ