Residential Accounts

Residential Accounts

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New to York Electric Cooperative? Welcome Aboard!

Billing & Payment Options

Whether you’re select­ing or chang­ing your pay­ment method, we have many options.

Outdoor Lighting

At YEC, we are light­ing your way to afford­able, durable and attrac­tive exte­ri­or secu­ri­ty light­ing.

Peak Demand

Sign up for our free and vol­un­tary effort to con­trol ener­gy costs for all coop­er­a­tive mem­bers.

Meter Locations

The meter is an impor­tant piece of YEC equip­ment to which our crews need access 24 hours a day.

Membership Guide

Explore the many perks, pro­grams, and pub­li­ca­tions that are part of being a mem­ber-own­er.

Underground Service

Under­ground lines are avail­able to mem­bers for either their home or busi­ness, some at no cost.


YEC’s app is ready for your mobile lifestyle

With our mobile app, you can access your account from any­where at any time. Pay your bill, report out­ages, mon­i­tor usage, and so much more. Down­load and get start­ed today.