Report an Outage by Text

To report out­ages by text mes­sage (SMS), you must first reg­is­ter your phone num­ber online via the Mem­ber Ser­vices Por­tal, or sign up direct­ly from your mobile phone using the START prompt, as out­lined below.

Simulated smartphone screen showing text alert signupAfter you’re signed up, you can use more of the com­mands below to call, get con­tact info, and com­mu­ni­cate out­age infor­ma­tion. The num­ber you text from must be on file in your YEC account to acti­vate.

Text 352667 (35-COOP) using the fol­low­ing key­words to first get start­ed and then to uti­lize the sys­tem.

Text Mes­sage (SMS) Key­words:

  • START – To begin receiv­ing alerts.
  • JOIN – To sign up to receive out­age and usage alerts.
  • OUTAGE – To report a pow­er out­age at your loca­tion.
  • HELP – pro­vides you with the con­tact infor­ma­tion to our mem­ber ser­vices team and our web­site.
  • CALL – To con­tact our mem­ber ser­vices team.
  • STOP – To opt-out of future mes­sages.

Mes­sage and data rates for your spe­cif­ic mobile phone plan apply when using YEC text noti­fi­ca­tions.

To view an out­age, you can also go direct­ly to our out­age map. An online account is not required.


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Text Messaging FAQ

Log on to our Mem­ber Por­tal to update your account infor­ma­tion.
Cat­e­go­ry: Text Mes­sag­ing FAQ

Stan­dard text mes­sag­ing rates will apply.

Cat­e­go­ry: Text Mes­sag­ing FAQ

First, make sure your cell phone num­ber is pop­u­lat­ed in the mobile num­ber option on your mem­ber pro­file. All data is pulled from what we have on file, so be sure to keep it cur­rent. Next, sim­ply text JOIN to 352667 and fol­low the prompts. If your cell phone num­ber is already in the data­base, you will need to text START to begin receiv­ing alerts. Reply STOP to can­cel and opt-out at any time. Mes­sage and data rates may apply.

Cat­e­go­ry: Text Mes­sag­ing FAQ

HELP – pro­vides you with the con­tact infor­ma­tion to our mem­ber ser­vices team and our web­site.

STOP – opts you out of future mes­sages.

BAL – pro­vides the cur­rent bal­ance on your account.

PAY – will process pay­ment by con­nect­ing to your online pay­ment pro­file. Please note, you must add a pay­ment pro­file on the online Mem­ber Por­tal before this fea­ture will work.

OUTAGE – will report a pow­er out­age at your loca­tion.

CALL – pro­vides the phone num­ber to con­tact our mem­ber ser­vices team.

Reply STOP to can­cel and opt-out at any time. Mes­sage and data rates may apply.

Cat­e­go­ry: Text Mes­sag­ing FAQ