Report an Outage by Text
To report outages by text message (SMS), you must first register your phone number online via the Member Services Portal, or sign up directly from your mobile phone using the START prompt, as outlined below.
After you’re signed up, you can use more of the commands below to call, get contact info, and communicate outage information. The number you text from must be on file in your YEC account to activate.
Text 352667 (35-COOP) using the following keywords to first get started and then to utilize the system.
Text Message (SMS) Keywords:
- START – To begin receiving alerts.
- JOIN – To sign up to receive outage and usage alerts.
- OUTAGE – To report a power outage at your location.
- HELP – provides you with the contact information to our member services team and our website.
- CALL – To contact our member services team.
- STOP – To opt-out of future messages.
Message and data rates for your specific mobile phone plan apply when using YEC text notifications.
To view an outage, you can also go directly to our outage map. An online account is not required.
Text Messaging FAQ
First, make sure your cell phone number is populated in the mobile number option on your member profile. All data is pulled from what we have on file, so be sure to keep it current. Next, simply text JOIN to 352667 and follow the prompts. If your cell phone number is already in the database, you will need to text START to begin receiving alerts. Reply STOP to cancel and opt-out at any time. Message and data rates may apply.
HELP – provides you with the contact information to our member services team and our website.
STOP – opts you out of future messages.
BAL – provides the current balance on your account.
PAY – will process payment by connecting to your online payment profile. Please note, you must add a payment profile on the online Member Portal before this feature will work.
OUTAGE – will report a power outage at your location.
CALL – provides the phone number to contact our member services team.
Reply STOP to cancel and opt-out at any time. Message and data rates may apply.