If you see a fallen power line, keep your distance. The line can be dangerous, even if it isn’t sparking. Report the line to York Electric immediately to (803) 684-4248. Learn more about electrical safety with our educational videos.
To lessen the risk that storms will damage the overhead lines into your home, have any trees that grow near those lines trimmed. If you notice trees threatening to damage any of YEC’s high voltage power lines, please notify us.
If you’re caught in a lightning storm, seek shelter. Stay away from trees and bodies of water and, if you’re caught in the open, drop to your knees and bend forward with your hands on your knees. Do not lie flat on the ground.
Stay informed about the weather in your area. If you’re warned about approaching violent storms that could cause power outages, take steps to keep your food safe, including turning the temperature in your refrigerator and freezer to the lowest setting to provide maximum chilling beforehand, should the power go off. Make sure you have flashlights, fresh batteries, and a battery-operated radio in working condition, and fill containers and your bathtub with water. We recommend you take some time to explore our curated materials and learn more about putting together an emergency kit.
If you or a family member requires life support equipment such as a respirator, make sure YEC knows about these needs and have a backup source of power ready if the primary source of power does go out; learn more about medical equipment in an emergency in this informative video. Keep your backup generator in good condition and test it periodically. If your power goes out, disconnect appliances and turn off lights. When power is restored, this many appliances coming on at once could cause a power surge that could damage your equipment.
Report your outage right away to YEC. Look in this section for reporting power outages for more information.