Emergency Supplies

Storm Prep Kit infographic

Here are some basic items you should store in case of emer­gency:

Water – Keep at least a three-day sup­ply. Store one gal­lon, per per­son, per day.

Food – Keep at least a three-day sup­ply of non-per­ish­able, high-ener­gy foods.

Cloth­ing, Bed­ding, and San­i­ta­tion Sup­plies

Tools – Keep tools like a can open­er, plates, uten­sils, flash­lights, bat­ter­ies, cash, bleach, hand san­i­tiz­er, etc.

First Aid Sup­plies and Med­i­cine

Impor­tant Doc­u­ments

Putting Together a Power Outage Pantry


We do our best to avoid pow­er out­ages, but unfor­tu­nate­ly, Moth­er Nature occa­sion­al­ly has dif­fer­ent plans. Stay ahead of the storm by stock­ing your pantry with a vari­ety of non-per­ish­able items.

Set these items aside for extend­ed out­ages only, and your storm prep will be a breeze!


Canned Fruit

Canned Tuna

Canned Veg­eta­bles


Dried Fruits

Dried Meats/Jerky

Gra­ham Crack­ers





Don’t for­get to stock up on dis­pos­able goods, like paper plates, nap­kins, plas­tic cut­lery, and cups.

3 Easy Steps to Prepare for an Emergency

Being pre­pared means being equipped with the prop­er sup­plies you may need in the event of an emer­gency or dis­as­ter. Keep your sup­plies in an easy-to-car­ry emer­gency pre­pared­ness kit that you can use at home or take with you in case you must evac­u­ate. – The Amer­i­can Nation­al Red Cross


Watch this short video and then take the Red Cross quiz to test your knowl­edge, plus scroll down for their full list of rec­om­mend­ed sup­plies.

Get Organized Before the Storm

The image provides storm preparation advice, emphasizing the importance of organizing and storing an emergency supply kit in an accessible location.

We do our best to avoid pow­er out­ages, but unfor­tu­nate­ly, Moth­er Nature occa­sion­al­ly has dif­fer­ent plans. Stay ahead of the storm by stock­ing your pantry with a vari­ety of non-per­ish­able items.

Set these items aside for extend­ed out­ages only, and your storm prep will be a breeze!


Canned Fruit

Canned Tuna

Canned Veg­eta­bles


Dried Fruits

Dried Meats/Jerky

Gra­ham Crack­ers





Don’t for­get to stock up on dis­pos­able goods, like paper plates, nap­kins, plas­tic cut­lery, and cups.