News & Events

News & Events

A group of ten people stand in front of a utility truck with "YEC" branding, under a metal structure. A tower is visible.

Historic storm, historic recovery

Trop­i­cal Storm Helene caus­es unprece­dent­ed dam­age in York Electric’s ser­vice ter­ri­to­ry On the morn­ing of Fri­day, Sept. 27, Trop­i­cal Storm Helene swept through York Electric’s… Con­tin­ue Read­ing His­toric storm, his­toric recov­ery
A group of people, including a child, smiles by a food stand. The person in the middle wears a cap and has a large beard.

Local food truck delivers for line crews

By Josh P. Crotzer It takes a lot to restore pow­er after a his­toric storm— a lot of mate­ri­als, a lot of labor and long… Con­tin­ue Read­ing Local food truck deliv­ers for line crews
Three people in blue shirts with name tags stand together outdoors, smiling. Tables and a grassy area are visible in the background.

Save the date! 2025 Annual Meeting

Cel­e­brat­ing 84 years of serv­ing you Save the date for your 2025 annu­al meet­ing of mem­bers on Sat­ur­day, May 3, 2025. Our team is excit­ed… Con­tin­ue Read­ing Save the date! 2025 Annu­al Meet­ing
A festive Christmas greeting card featuring polaroid photos of decorated trucks and a person in a Santa hat. Wood background adds warmth.

Happy holidays and Christmas cheer!

Jin­gle all the way! Catch your co-op spread­ing Christ­mas cheer at the fol­low­ing local parades! Fort Mill SATURDAY, Dec. 7 Hick­o­ry Grove SATURDAY, Dec. 7… Con­tin­ue Read­ing Hap­py hol­i­days and Christ­mas cheer!
Veterans Day celebration event poster featuring an American flag design and a person smiling, wearing a cap. Silhouettes of military figures below.

Annual Veterans Day Celebration

Active and for­mer mem­bers of our Armed Ser­vices, please join us at Amer­i­can Legion Post 34 at 524 Heck­le Blvd. in Rock Hill on Mon­day,… Con­tin­ue Read­ing Annu­al Vet­er­ans Day Cel­e­bra­tion
A modern, round digital thermostat mounted on a textured wall, displaying a temperature setting of 63 degrees Fahrenheit.

We need your help

We are all no strangers to ris­ing costs. From the rise in gro­cery store prices and oth­er every­day items to sup­ply chain dis­rup­tions, we’ve all… Con­tin­ue Read­ing We need your help
The image highlights a message celebrating October as National Co-op Month in bold black text on a light background.

October is National Co-op Month

This Co-op Month, York Elec­tric encour­ages you to remem­ber that you are part of an ener­gized group of Amer­i­cans who have a voice and a… Con­tin­ue Read­ing Octo­ber is Nation­al Co-op Month
A person with a white mask and hood uses a laptop at a table in front of a solid orange backdrop.

Be cybersecurity aware

WORKING TOGETHER IS WHAT WE DO BEST. For Nation­al Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Aware­ness Month this Octo­ber, we’re here to encour­age mem­bers, cham­pi­on your safe­ty and empow­er you… Con­tin­ue Read­ing Be cyber­se­cu­ri­ty aware
A U.S. one-dollar bill with several coins of varying denominations placed on top, casting shadows on a plain surface.

Money talks: Electricity provides powerful value

As we all look for ways to save mon­ey in this age of increas­ing infla­tion, I’ve thought about my dai­ly rou­tine and how much val­ue… Con­tin­ue Read­ing Mon­ey talks: Elec­tric­i­ty pro­vides pow­er­ful val­ue
Logo with text "Beat the Peak" next to a blue and red gauge icon, symbolizing energy efficiency or peak usage management.

Join us to help hold down power costs

We like sav­ing mon­ey as much as you do. As a co-op, we are proud­ly owned by those we serve and oper­ate as a not-for-prof­it… Con­tin­ue Read­ing Join us to help hold down pow­er costs
Electrical substation with metal framework, fenced area, sign reading "Alison Green Substation," trees in background under clear blue sky. No people present.

YEC News Briefs

Your board in action Dis­cus­sion con­tin­ues in the board room about new tech­nolo­gies that help your co-op serve mem­bers. Gath­er­ing data from meter­ing devices is… Con­tin­ue Read­ing YEC News Briefs
A massive cyclone swirls over the ocean, nearing a desert coastline. Dense clouds indicate intense weather conditions approaching. No landmarks visible.

TS Helene Damage & Restoration Update from YEC’s President/CEO

Trop­i­cal Storm Helene’s dev­as­ta­tion left mem­bers and our entire com­mu­ni­ty with­out pow­er. For­tu­nate­ly, we were able to restore all pow­er in less than a week.… Con­tin­ue Read­ing TS Helene Dam­age & Restora­tion Update from YEC’s President/CEO