Report Outdoor Light Outage

Thank you for help­ing us find street lights and secu­ri­ty lights that are out or are mal­func­tion­ing. We ask for your name and phone num­ber in case we need more infor­ma­tion to help fix the prob­lem. Sim­ply com­plete the form below then click on the sub­mit but­ton. Our crews will see that the light(s) is repaired as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. To report a haz­ardous con­di­tion, please call 803–684-4248. To report a pow­er out­age, please call 866–374-1234 or text OUTAGE to 352667

Your Name:(Required)
Name of the per­son who pays for the secu­ri­ty light:
Your Street Address:(Required)
Your Email Address:(Required)
Unless you’ve specif­i­cal­ly request­ed to be added to our email list, your email address will nev­er be used for email newslet­ters, or sur­veys, nor will it ever be shared with any oth­er per­son or orga­ni­za­tion.
What type of prob­lem are you report­ing?(Required)

Describe the Location

Please describe the address or clos­est address of the prob­lem you are report­ing.
Is this a com­mer­cial or res­i­den­tial address?(Required)
Loca­tion Address:
Have you marked or tagged the secu­ri­ty light for easy iden­ti­fi­ca­tion?(Required)
If no address is avail­able, please tell us the name of the street and which side of the street the light is on — North, South, East, or West. (For exam­ple: NW 1st Avenue, south side of street). Also, tell us the num­ber of street­lights from the clos­est cross street, e.g., 3rd street­light east of 1st Street).
York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive does not reveal any per­son­al infor­ma­tion that users pro­vide to us through our web­site to any third par­ty. All infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed via this form is kept strict­ly con­fi­den­tial. Please see our Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy for details.
This field is for val­i­da­tion pur­pos­es and should be left unchanged.