Rules & Regulations

The fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion is an overview of the basics involved in deliv­er­ing elec­tric ser­vice to York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive’s mem­bers, includ­ing apply­ing for ser­vice, con­tact­ing us regard­ing your account, and ser­vices which go beyond sim­ply pro­vid­ing your elec­tric­i­ty. Plus, find the impor­tant rules that gov­ern how our web­site func­tions and what we do with your infor­ma­tion.

Application for Service

To begin ser­vice from York Elec­tric, the mem­ber must apply for mem­ber­ship.

A deposit and mem­ber­ship fee will be paid at the time of appli­ca­tion. To obtain ser­vice for a new struc­ture, prop­er coun­ty per­mits and inspec­tion are required before pow­er is con­nect­ed.

Mem­bers can trans­fer ser­vice from one loca­tion to anoth­er in the ser­vice area with­out an addi­tion­al deposit. Your orig­i­nal deposit and mem­ber­ship are trans­ferred to the new loca­tion.

To ter­mi­nate ser­vice, we must be noti­fied either by mail, by phone, or in per­son. We request a for­ward­ing address at the time of noti­fi­ca­tion. Dis­con­nec­tions are com­plet­ed dur­ing reg­u­lar work­ing hours.

The pro­ce­dure for obtain­ing tem­po­rary ser­vice, such as pow­er for build­ing a house, is the same as apply­ing for new ser­vice. A valid coun­ty build­ing per­mit is also required.

A hot air balloon with "Touchstone Energy Cooperatives" logo, lit at dusk, surrounded by people. Nearby vehicles and a historical building are visible.
York Electric cashiers show off payment option paperwork

Contacting Us by Phone

When call­ing to request ser­vice of any kind, oth­er than an ini­tial con­tact, it is not only help­ful, but more effi­cient to have per­ti­nent infor­ma­tion on hand, ready to sup­ply to mem­ber ser­vices rep­re­sen­ta­tives who will take your call. Such infor­ma­tion includes:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Tele­phone num­ber
  • Social Secu­ri­ty num­ber
  • Account num­ber

Hav­ing this type of infor­ma­tion ready BEFORE call­ing will help ensure your call is processed quick­ly and cor­rect­ly. Mem­ber Ser­vices 803–684-4248 or toll-free (800) 582‑8810.

Underground Service

Under­ground lines are avail­able to mem­bers for either their home or busi­ness. Some addi­tion­al lines are avail­able at no cost but there are vari­able rates depend­ing on the length of addi­tion­al lines. There is also a fee for under­ground ser­vice to shops and garages, barns, and oth­er out­build­ings Over­head lines can be changed to under­ground for a fee at the request of a mem­ber.

To learn more about under­ground ser­vices, please con­tact our Mem­ber Ser­vices Depart­ment at 803–684-4248.

YEC Underground Service being performed
Old-fashioned streetlight against a clear, dusk sky, softly illuminated, evoking a nostalgic atmosphere.

Outdoor Lighting

At York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, we’re light­ing your way to afford­able, durable and attrac­tive exte­ri­or secu­ri­ty light­ing. Our Dec­o­ra­tive out­door Secu­ri­ty Light­ing pro­gram fea­tures a care­ful­ly cho­sen selec­tion of lights that are as prac­ti­cal as they are attrac­tive. All styles fea­ture reli­able high-pres­sure sodi­um lamps. Whichev­er style you choose, it will do more than enhance your envi­ron­ment. These lights are care­ful­ly designed to pro­vide max­i­mum secu­ri­ty for your res­i­den­tial, com­mer­cial or neigh­bor­hood devel­op­ment prop­er­ty.

Meter Locations

In order for York Elec­tric to read your meter on a month­ly basis, you must locate your meter in an eas­i­ly acces­si­ble loca­tion. The meter is an impor­tant piece of York Elec­tric equip­ment to which our crews need access 24-hours a day, so please be sure to keep shrubs, fences and oth­er obstruc­tions well away from it.

If you have ques­tions con­cern­ing your meter loca­tion, please ask our engi­neer when he first meets with you con­cern­ing your elec­tric­i­ty needs.

An electric meter measures electricity consumption against a brick wall background, displaying usage in kilowatt-hours with dials and labels.