Board of Trustees

York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive is gov­erned by a Board of Trustees, a group of local peo­ple with the same needs, con­cerns and per­spec­tive as their fel­low coop­er­a­tive mem­bers. There are no shares or stock­hold­ers or invest­ments to be looked after, only the good of all the peo­ple who make up the York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive fam­i­ly. Best of all, these board mem­bers are only behold­en to you and your inter­ests because they are elect­ed by you, the mem­ber. The min­utes of YEC Board Meet­ings may be accessed in the Mem­ber Por­tal.

YEC’s Board of Trustees is elect­ed by its mem­bers to gov­ern rates, bylaws and poli­cies. They are work­ing hard togeth­er and look­ing out for you. From back left: Scott Good, Tom­mie Brat­ton, Kevin Tol­son, Richard Roach, Will Mitchell. Seat­ed, from left: Max T. Set­tle­myre, chair­man, Richard B. Sadler, vice-chair­man, Car­olyn Hicks Boyd, secretary/treasurer, Jack Corn­well



Mr. Settlemyre in a jacket and tie with an abstract green background

District 1

Max T. Settlemyre

Board Chair­man
Email Max
269 Hem­ming­way Lane
Fort Mill, SC 29708

E. Jack Cornwell

District 3

E. Jack Cornwell

Email Jack
2440 Neely Store Road
Rock Hill, SC 29730

Richard Roach

District 3

Richard Roach

4150 Mock­ing­bird Lane
Rock Hill, SC 29730
(803) 230‑2630

Scott Good

District 2

Scott Good

Email Scott
205 S Shiloh Road
York, SC 29745

Carolyn Boyd

District 1

Carolyn Hicks Boyd

Email Car­olyn
3403 Lin­coln Road
York, SC 29745

Will Mitchell

District 1

William Roy “Will” Mitchell

Email Will
104 North Beer­she­ba Road
Clover, SC 29710
(803) 417‑8021

Tommie Bratton

District 2

Tommie Bratton

3551 Sawmill Road
Hick­o­ry Grove, SC 29717
(803) 417‑0970

A person in a formal suit with a striped tie poses against a green background. A badge is visible on the person's lapel.

District 2

Kevin Tolson

Email Kevin
571 Tirzah Road
York, SC 29745

Richard Sadler

District 3

Richard B. Sadler

Vice Chair­man
Email Richard
3873 W McConnells High­way
Sharon, SC 29742

CEO sits for a photo

President & CEO

Craig Spencer

1385 East Alexan­der Love High­way
P.O. Box 150
York, SC 29745

York Electric Cooperative Districts Map

Map with numbered districts

In 2019, the Gen­er­al Assem­bly passed a law requir­ing coop­er­a­tive mem­bers to con­sid­er sin­gle-mem­ber vot­ing dis­tricts. Your coop­er­a­tive has updat­ed a bylaw to bet­ter serve you and com­ply with this require­ment. On May 8, 2021, YEC tran­si­tioned from nine vot­ing dis­tricts, each hav­ing one board mem­ber, to three larg­er vot­ing dis­tricts, each hav­ing three at-large board mem­bers. This will pro­vide bet­ter rep­re­sen­ta­tion of our mem­ber­ship while con­tin­u­ing to allow all mem­bers to vote on all nine board mem­bers.