It’s York Electric’s Super Bowl!

2025 Annual Meeting – Two Locations to Choose From to Exercise Your Membership Rights

Wednes­day, April 30

Tega Cay Cataw­ba Park, 2351 New Gray Rock Road, 9 a.m.–2 p.m.

Sat­ur­day, May 3

YEC’s Main Office, 1385 E. Alexan­der Love High­way, 9 a.m.–noon

APRIL 30th & MAY 3rd

York Elec­tric’s 84th Annu­al Meet­ing is sched­uled for Wednes­day, April 30th and Sat­ur­day, May 3rd. All the infor­ma­tion you’ll need is right here on our web­site, and the April edi­tion of South Car­oli­na Liv­ing mag­a­zine will get you pre­pared to attend, reg­is­ter, and vote. Here are a few things to know ahead of time:


The April edi­tion of South Car­oli­na Liv­ing is our spe­cial annu­al meet­ing issue. Your reg­is­tra­tion card is on the front of the mag­a­zine. Please tear it off and bring it along with a pho­to ID to reg­is­ter for a $25 pow­er bill cred­it, to enter our prize draw­ing, and to be eli­gi­ble to vote.


Mem­bers who attend and reg­is­ter at either loca­tion will receive a $25 pow­er bill cred­it on their June pow­er bill and will be entered in our prize draw­ings.


Mem­bers who reg­is­ter and vote at either loca­tion could win a Kub­o­ta Zero-Turn lawn­mow­er, a $500 pow­er bill cred­it, or VISA gift cards. Mem­bers who attend Tega Cay will be entered into a spe­cial prize draw­ing for a $500 pow­er bill cred­it and (2) $250 pow­er bill cred­its.

A football player holds a ball in a stadium setting. "South Carolina Living" and meeting dates are prominently displayed above.

Look for your annu­al meet­ing issue of South Car­oli­na Liv­ing the first week in April. Your per­son­al­ized reg­is­tra­tion card will be on the front cov­er. Please tear that off and bring it with you!

A group of people in blue shirts prepares food at a table under a canopy, surrounded by greenery and food supplies.


Hot dogs have been an annu­al meet­ing sta­ple for mem­bers at York Elec­tric for many years. We’re proud to offer them once again at our 84th annu­al meet­ing.

Mem­bers who reg­is­ter at the annu­al meet­ing in York on Sat­ur­day, May 3rd, can snag a FREE bag of 4 hot dogs, pre­pared by our com­mu­ni­ty part­ners. They’ll be cook­ing anoth­er 8,000 this year!

After com­plet­ing vot­ing and reg­is­tra­tion, claim your bag of hot dogs by loop­ing through a spe­cial line. Lim­it one bag of hot dogs per reg­is­tra­tion card, 9 a.m. until we run out.

*Hot dogs avail­able only on Sat­ur­day, not avail­able in Tega Cay.


Tega Cay | Click for Google Map & Direc­tions
YEC Head­quar­ters | Click for Google Map & Direc­tions
Tega Cay map

Tega Cay

When: Wednes­day, April 30, 2025, 9 a.m until 2 p.m.

Where: Tega Cay Cataw­ba Park, locat­ed at 2351 New Gray Rock Rd.

Details: The dri­ve-thru entrance is locat­ed on New Gray Rock Road. After vot­ing and reg­is­ter­ing your atten­dance, cars will be able to exit by mak­ing a right-hand turn back on to New Gray Rock Road. The entrance will be clear­ly marked, and YEC per­son­nel will help direct you through the line.

Please note, hot dogs will not be served in Tega Cay.

York Annual Meeting map


When: Sat­ur­day, May 3, 2025, 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.

Where: YEC’s main office, 1385 E. Alexan­der Love Hwy.

Details: The dri­ve-thru entrance is locat­ed on Alexan­der Love High­way, near the light at Coop­er­a­tive Way. After vot­ing and reg­is­ter­ing your atten­dance, cars will have the option to loop through a spe­cial line to receive a bag of free hot dogs, lim­it one bag per mem­ber­ship. Hot dogs avail­able, 9 a.m. until we run out.

All traf­fic will be able to exit by mak­ing a right hand turn back on to Alexan­der Love High­way, near York School District’s office. The entrance will be clear­ly marked and YEC per­son­nel will help direct you through the line.


A sample ballot for York Electric Cooperative's 2025 meeting shows director elections and bylaw amendments, providing voting options and explanations for proposed changes.


Dur­ing our 83rd annu­al meet­ing in 2024, mem­bers had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to voice their opin­ions on the co-op’s lead­er­ship and busi­ness affairs. Here are the results:

• Car­olyn Boyd ran unop­posed for Dis­trict 1, and Tom­mie Brat­ton ran unop­posed for Dis­trict 2. Mrs. Boyd and Mr. Brat­ton have both been elect­ed to serve addi­tion­al 3‑year terms.

• Ter­ry Lovelace and Kevin Tol­son were both nom­i­nat­ed by peti­tion to run for the vacant Dis­trict 2 seat. Kevin Tol­son won this seat, with 2,576 votes. This seat is up for reg­u­lar elec­tion again this year.

• Incum­bent Richard Roach’s Dis­trict 3 seat was con­test­ed by Ronald Wylie, who was nom­i­nat­ed by peti­tion. Richard Roach main­tained his seat, with 2,556 votes and will serve an addi­tion­al 3‑year term.


• Mem­bers can attend ONE of two annu­al meet­ing dates: Wednes­day, April 30th at Tega Cay’s Cataw­ba Park, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. OR Sat­ur­day, May 3rd at York Electric’s main office, from 8 a.m.-1 p.m.

• ALL mem­bers MUST bring a valid pho­to ID to reg­is­ter and vote. Remem­ber to punch out your reg­is­tra­tion card on the front of this mag­a­zine and bring it with you to the Annu­al Meet­ing. Your ID and reg­is­tra­tion card will allow our employ­ees to quick­ly iden­ti­fy your mem­ber­ship.

• Mem­bers who attend one of the two dri­ve-thru annu­al meet­ings will receive a $25 bill cred­it and will be entered into our prize draw­ings.

• Our Fort Mill branch office loca­tion will be closed for busi­ness on Wednes­day, April 30th to accom­mo­date the addi­tion­al dri­ve-thru meet­ing loca­tion.

• We will have a spe­cial lane in York after mem­bers reg­is­ter and vote for mem­bers to claim their free hot dogs, begin­ning at 9 a.m., while sup­plies last.

• Mem­bers who attend the Tega Cay loca­tion, on Wednes­day, April 30th, will be entered into a spe­cial prize draw­ing for a $500 pow­er bill cred­it and (2) $250 pow­er bill cred­its.

• Enter­tain­ment and fes­tiv­i­ties host­ed in pre­vi­ous years will not be includ­ed.

• Park­ing will not be avail­able in the dri­ve-thru area.

• The busi­ness meet­ing will be vir­tu­al and will be live at 5 p.m. on Sat­ur­day, May 3rd, here on our web­site and on our Face­book page.

capital credits logo

We’re shar­ing mar­gins – let’s cel­e­brate!

2025 Cap­i­tal Cred­it retire­ment totals $2.7 mil­lion

The York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive Board of Trustees elects to return a por­tion of our mar­gins to our mem­bers each year. Mar­gins are defined as the mon­ey left after cov­er­ing all oper­at­ing costs. Return­ing this mon­ey to mem­bers is a process called Cap­i­tal Cred­it retire­ment. Not only does this show the val­ue of your mem­ber­ship, but it also reflects the finan­cial health of your coop­er­a­tive.

Each year has a total patron­age cap­i­tal we must return to mem­bers over time. This is the mon­ey you invest in your coop­er­a­tive when you pay your ener­gy charges each month. Your board of trustees elects how much of these mar­gins we rein­vest into our sys­tem to con­tin­ue pro­vid­ing afford­able, reli­able ener­gy, and how much we return to mem­bers through cap­i­tal cred­its. As a not-for prof­it busi­ness, we are required to oper­ate on an at-cost basis. Return­ing these funds to our mem­bers allows us to remain a tax-exempt orga­ni­za­tion and in com­pli­ance with our bylaws as a coop­er­a­tive orga­ni­za­tion.

How does it work?

Instead of only pay­ing new mem­bers, or only pay­ing those who have had ser­vice for years, York Elec­tric elects to pay a com­bi­na­tion of new and long-time mem­bers so that every­one gets a piece of the pie. This is con­sid­ered a hybrid retire­ment mod­el.

This year, the board vot­ed to return $27 mil­lion to mem­bers. The funds will be dis­trib­uted for mem­bers who were served by the Coop­er­a­tive dur­ing the fol­low­ing years: 2004, 2005 and 2023.

Mem­bers’ por­tions of the funds come from their total patron­age for those years men­tioned above.

What should you expect?

If you were a mem­ber dur­ing the years men­tioned above and your cap­i­tal cred­it amount is less than $25, you will see a cred­it on your bill. Any mem­ber with cap­i­tal cred­it retire­ments that are $25 or more will be mailed a check dur­ing the first week of May.