It’s York Electric’s Super Bowl!
2025 Annual Meeting – Two Locations to Choose From to Exercise Your Membership Rights
Wednesday, April 30
Tega Cay Catawba Park, 2351 New Gray Rock Road, 9 a.m.–2 p.m.
Saturday, May 3
YEC’s Main Office, 1385 E. Alexander Love Highway, 9 a.m.–noon

Look for your annual meeting issue of South Carolina Living the first week in April. Your personalized registration card will be on the front cover. Please tear that off and bring it with you!

Hot dogs have been an annual meeting staple for members at York Electric for many years. We’re proud to offer them once again at our 84th annual meeting.
Members who register at the annual meeting in York on Saturday, May 3rd, can snag a FREE bag of 4 hot dogs, prepared by our community partners. They’ll be cooking another 8,000 this year!
After completing voting and registration, claim your bag of hot dogs by looping through a special line. Limit one bag of hot dogs per registration card, 9 a.m. until we run out.
*Hot dogs available only on Saturday, not available in Tega Cay.

Tega Cay
When: Wednesday, April 30, 2025, 9 a.m until 2 p.m.
Where: Tega Cay Catawba Park, located at 2351 New Gray Rock Rd.
Details: The drive-thru entrance is located on New Gray Rock Road. After voting and registering your attendance, cars will be able to exit by making a right-hand turn back on to New Gray Rock Road. The entrance will be clearly marked, and YEC personnel will help direct you through the line.
Please note, hot dogs will not be served in Tega Cay.

When: Saturday, May 3, 2025, 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Where: YEC’s main office, 1385 E. Alexander Love Hwy.
Details: The drive-thru entrance is located on Alexander Love Highway, near the light at Cooperative Way. After voting and registering your attendance, cars will have the option to loop through a special line to receive a bag of free hot dogs, limit one bag per membership. Hot dogs available, 9 a.m. until we run out.
All traffic will be able to exit by making a right hand turn back on to Alexander Love Highway, near York School District’s office. The entrance will be clearly marked and YEC personnel will help direct you through the line.

During our 83rd annual meeting in 2024, members had the opportunity to voice their opinions on the co-op’s leadership and business affairs. Here are the results:
• Carolyn Boyd ran unopposed for District 1, and Tommie Bratton ran unopposed for District 2. Mrs. Boyd and Mr. Bratton have both been elected to serve additional 3‑year terms.
• Terry Lovelace and Kevin Tolson were both nominated by petition to run for the vacant District 2 seat. Kevin Tolson won this seat, with 2,576 votes. This seat is up for regular election again this year.
• Incumbent Richard Roach’s District 3 seat was contested by Ronald Wylie, who was nominated by petition. Richard Roach maintained his seat, with 2,556 votes and will serve an additional 3‑year term.
• Members can attend ONE of two annual meeting dates: Wednesday, April 30th at Tega Cay’s Catawba Park, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. OR Saturday, May 3rd at York Electric’s main office, from 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
• ALL members MUST bring a valid photo ID to register and vote. Remember to punch out your registration card on the front of this magazine and bring it with you to the Annual Meeting. Your ID and registration card will allow our employees to quickly identify your membership.
• Members who attend one of the two drive-thru annual meetings will receive a $25 bill credit and will be entered into our prize drawings.
• Our Fort Mill branch office location will be closed for business on Wednesday, April 30th to accommodate the additional drive-thru meeting location.
• We will have a special lane in York after members register and vote for members to claim their free hot dogs, beginning at 9 a.m., while supplies last.
• Members who attend the Tega Cay location, on Wednesday, April 30th, will be entered into a special prize drawing for a $500 power bill credit and (2) $250 power bill credits.
• Entertainment and festivities hosted in previous years will not be included.
• Parking will not be available in the drive-thru area.
• The business meeting will be virtual and will be live at 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 3rd, here on our website and on our Facebook page.

We’re sharing margins – let’s celebrate!
2025 Capital Credit retirement totals $2.7 million
The York Electric Cooperative Board of Trustees elects to return a portion of our margins to our members each year. Margins are defined as the money left after covering all operating costs. Returning this money to members is a process called Capital Credit retirement. Not only does this show the value of your membership, but it also reflects the financial health of your cooperative.
Each year has a total patronage capital we must return to members over time. This is the money you invest in your cooperative when you pay your energy charges each month. Your board of trustees elects how much of these margins we reinvest into our system to continue providing affordable, reliable energy, and how much we return to members through capital credits. As a not-for profit business, we are required to operate on an at-cost basis. Returning these funds to our members allows us to remain a tax-exempt organization and in compliance with our bylaws as a cooperative organization.
How does it work?
Instead of only paying new members, or only paying those who have had service for years, York Electric elects to pay a combination of new and long-time members so that everyone gets a piece of the pie. This is considered a hybrid retirement model.
This year, the board voted to return $27 million to members. The funds will be distributed for members who were served by the Cooperative during the following years: 2004, 2005 and 2023.
Members’ portions of the funds come from their total patronage for those years mentioned above.
What should you expect?
If you were a member during the years mentioned above and your capital credit amount is less than $25, you will see a credit on your bill. Any member with capital credit retirements that are $25 or more will be mailed a check during the first week of May.