My Co-op

My Co-op

All About York Electric Cooperative

York Electric Cooperative, Inc. logo with "Your Touchstone Energy Cooperative" tagline and three interconnected human figures above an arc on a black background.

Since 1941, York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive has pro­vid­ed depend­able and afford­able elec­tric ser­vice that has helped fam­i­lies and busi­ness­es in the area con­tin­ue to grow and pros­per. Serv­ing our res­i­den­tial, com­mer­cial, and indus­tri­al mem­bers is the num­ber one com­mit­ment of our employ­ees. Read on to learn more about our his­to­ry and the shared his­to­ry of coop­er­a­tives, our core rules and mis­sion, and the Sev­en Prin­ci­ples that guide all coop­er­a­tives.

Employees at the annual meeting in 2023

YEC’s Annual Meeting

There are sev­er­al pur­pos­es of the annu­al meet­ing, the most impor­tant being your right, as a mem­ber-own­er, to make your voice heard and exer­cise your right to vote. The meet­ing is a time to approve the min­utes of the last annu­al meet­ing, review the finan­cial report for the past fis­cal year, and vote on board mem­bers and bylaws.

York Elec­tric’s 83rd Annu­al Meet­ing took place over three days – May 1, 3, and 4, 2024 – with the busi­ness por­tion of the meet­ing tak­ing place on May 4th. Infor­ma­tion was dis­trib­uted by email and the April edi­tion of South Car­oli­na Liv­ing mag­a­zine to get mem­bers pre­pared to attend, reg­is­ter, and vote. Thank you to all who par­tic­i­pat­ed!

Cooperatives are guided by a set of seven core principles

MISSION: To always look out for our members


York Elec­tric strives to pro­vide unsur­passed inno­v­a­tive and diver­si­fied ser­vice at a rea­son­able cost while improv­ing mem­bers’ qual­i­ty of life and pro­mot­ing integri­ty, eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment, safe­ty, and a vision of the future.


To always strive for excel­lence in all areas of ser­vice by exceed­ing the expec­ta­tions of York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive’s mem­ber-own­ers through the uti­liza­tion of supe­ri­or tech­nol­o­gy, qual­i­ty per­son­nel, com­mu­ni­ty com­mit­ment, and sound busi­ness prac­tices.

Leadership Team

Let us intro­duce the local men and women who are ded­i­cat­ed to serv­ing York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive’s mem­ber-own­ers with ded­i­ca­tion and excel­lence.

Capital Credits

Each year, York Elec­tric uses rev­enues that exceed oper­at­ing costs as equi­ty, which is returned to our mem­ber-own­ers as Cap­i­tal Cred­its. 

Board of Trustees

YEC is gov­erned by a Board of Trustees, a group of car­ing local peo­ple who share the same needs, con­cerns, and per­spec­tive as their fel­low coop­er­a­tive mem­bers.


If you have the desire to pro­vide an extra­or­di­nary lev­el of mem­ber ser­vices and are look­ing for a car­ing, com­pe­tent work­ing envi­ron­ment, then YEC is right for you.


The rules by which York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc. is gov­erned are spelled out in its Bylaws. The bylaws, and any amend­ments, are approved by the mem­ber­ship. The doc­u­ments are avail­able to read online or down­load in both Eng­lish and Span­ish.