YEC Membership Guide

York Electric has put together this comprehensive look at what your cooperative offers to all its member-owners. We hope this guide is an invaluable tool, whether you're new to YEC or you're a seasoned member of the co-op.

An ipad displays an uplifting message, "you are what matters"

Mission Statement

To look out for the member.

To provide unsurpassed innovative and diversified service at a reasonable cost while improving the quality of life and promoting integrity, economic development, safety, and a vision of the future.

York Electric Cooperative, your energy company, offers a wide variety of programs and services designed to enhance the quality of life our members enjoy. We're constantly refining these programs—and developing new ones—just another way we're always looking out for you.

We've got an app for that. Actually, two apps.

You can quickly download our free mobile app – and access your account digitally from anywhere at any time – by searching for "York Electric" in your phone's app store. You can also receive exclusive co-op access to discounts on products and services by downloading the free Co-op Connections app from their website.


Online Payments

Accepted through the Member Portal anytime, from anywhere


Pay your electric bill at your convenience by phone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Mobile App

Use our app to make a payment, view account, or report an outage

Advance Pay

This flexible plan lets you control how much and when you make a payment

Bank Draft & e-bill

Automatically pay your bill on time and save more when it's paperless

Text to Pay

To set up, text "JOIN" to 352667 from the mobile number on your account

Third-Party Notification

Notifies a designated contact regarding issues with a loved one's bill

In the Office

You may pay in person at our offices in York or Fort Mill during business hours


The image shows an Ecobee smart thermostat set to 72°F with an accompanying remote sensor on a stand, both having a modern design.

Save Energy & Money

YEC wants to help you achieve your budgeting and energy efficiency goals. We offer discounted rates on smart thermostats and whole house generators, free energy saving tools and programs, and more.

Capital Credits logo

Capital Credits

Capital Credits are the only form of equity a member-owned utility has. Each year, all revenue over and above expenses is assigned by the Cooperative to each member's Capital Credits Account. The amount of your Capital Credits is determined by your yearly payments for electricity.

Call 811 Before You Dig

811 Call Before You Dig

Before you begin a project, such as installing a new fence, planting shrubbery or trees, take into account that underground electric service or other utility lines may be present. If you're not absolutely sure where any underground lines are located on your property, call 811.

Trade a Tree

Trade a Tree

York Electric's Trade A Tree Program helps members replace trees that must be removed by the co-op to ensure service reliability.

Operation Round Up


For only pennies a month or approximately $6 a year, by rounding up your monthly electric bill, York Electric's giving program allows each member to help make a difference for those in our communities who need it most.

Graduation cap sitting on stacks of cash.

Touchstone Energy® Scholarships

York Electric is proud to offer some great opportunities for youth education. We award numerous annual scholarships – including $1,000 Touchstone Energy® Scholarships – to high school seniors.

Youth Tour

Washington Youth Tour

York Electric Cooperative sponsors local high school juniors to participate in an all-expense-paid trip to our nation's capital. Students get a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see our government in action, and it's all part of the annual, week-long Washington Youth Tour.

Cooperative Youth Summit

Cooperative Youth Summit

During the annual Cooperative Youth Summit in July, we sponsor local high school juniors to experience our state capital with a tour of the statehouse, a chance to meet lawmakers, and visits to Columbia attractions.

Be Safe

Safety Demonstrations

We regularly offer safety demonstrations to students and other groups throughout our service area in an effort to teach important safety lessons to the participants.

Econonmic Development

Economic Development

York Electric affiliates itself with South Carolina economic development agencies to encourage growth in the state, and our East York and Springlake business parks both illustrate YEC's commitment to bringing quality industry and jobs to our county.

Beat the Peak Program

Beat the Peak

Help your co-op control energy costs and save money by signing up to Beat the Peak, a free and voluntary program providing energy-saving tips.

The image shows a green solar panel icon with an orange sun, representing renewable energy and solar power generation.

Solar Energy

Your co-op is here to help you navigate the ins and outs of solar energy. Whether you are interested in getting solar installed at your home, you already have solar, you’d like to join our Community Solar Program, or if you just have questions — we have your back.

Touchstone Energy

Touchstone Energy® Cooperative

YEC is a Touchstone Energy® Cooperative, bringing high standards of information, technology, and service to you. Touchstone Energy cooperatives are your source for power and information. Whether it’s the power you depend on every day for your home or business, or the information you need to make decisions about how you power your life, Touchstone Energy cooperatives across the country are here to support you.

What is a Co-op?

Cooperatives are not-for-profit, consumer-owned businesses. Electric cooperatives were formed in the 1930s with the specific task of electrifying rural America. South Carolina’s electric cooperatives now serve over half a million members, or nearly one-third of the population of our state. Together, that makes them larger than any other utility in the state in the total number of members served.