YEC Membership Guide

York Electric has put together this comprehensive look at what your cooperative offers to all its member-owners. We hope this guide is an invaluable tool, whether you’re new to YEC or you’re a seasoned member of the co-op.

An ipad displays an uplifting message, "you are what matters"

Mission Statement

To look out for the mem­ber.

To pro­vide unsur­passed inno­v­a­tive and diver­si­fied ser­vice at a rea­son­able cost while improv­ing the qual­i­ty of life and pro­mot­ing integri­ty, eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment, safe­ty, and a vision of the future.

York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, your ener­gy com­pa­ny, offers a wide vari­ety of pro­grams and ser­vices designed to enhance the qual­i­ty of life our mem­bers enjoy. We’re con­stant­ly refin­ing these programs—and devel­op­ing new ones—just anoth­er way we’re always look­ing out for you.

We’ve got an app for that. Actually, two apps.

You can quick­ly down­load our free mobile app – and access your account dig­i­tal­ly from any­where at any time – by search­ing for “York Elec­tric” in your phone’s app store. You can also receive exclu­sive co-op access to dis­counts on prod­ucts and ser­vices by down­load­ing the free Co-op Con­nec­tions app from their web­site.


Online Payments

Accept­ed through the Mem­ber Por­tal any­time, from any­where


Pay your elec­tric bill at your con­ve­nience by phone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Mobile App

Use our app to make a pay­ment, view account, or report an out­age

Advance Pay

This flex­i­ble plan lets you con­trol how much and when you make a pay­ment

Bank Draft & e‑bill

Auto­mat­i­cal­ly pay your bill on time and save more when it’s paper­less

Text to Pay

To set up, text “JOIN” to 352667 from the mobile num­ber on your account

Third-Party Notification

Noti­fies a des­ig­nat­ed con­tact regard­ing issues with a loved one’s bill

In the Office

You may pay in per­son at our offices in York or Fort Mill dur­ing busi­ness hours


The image shows an Ecobee smart thermostat set to 72°F with an accompanying remote sensor on a stand, both having a modern design.

Save Energy & Money

YEC wants to help you achieve your bud­get­ing and ener­gy effi­cien­cy goals. We offer dis­count­ed rates on smart ther­mostats and whole house gen­er­a­tors, free ener­gy sav­ing tools and pro­grams, and more.

Capital Credits logo

Capital Credits

Cap­i­tal Cred­its are the only form of equi­ty a mem­ber-owned util­i­ty has. Each year, all rev­enue over and above expens­es is assigned by the Coop­er­a­tive to each mem­ber’s Cap­i­tal Cred­its Account. The amount of your Cap­i­tal Cred­its is deter­mined by your year­ly pay­ments for elec­tric­i­ty.

Call 811 Before You Dig

811 Call Before You Dig

Before you begin a project, such as installing a new fence, plant­i­ng shrub­bery or trees, take into account that under­ground elec­tric ser­vice or oth­er util­i­ty lines may be present. If you’re not absolute­ly sure where any under­ground lines are locat­ed on your prop­er­ty, call 811.

Trade a Tree

Trade a Tree

York Elec­tric’s Trade A Tree Pro­gram helps mem­bers replace trees that must be removed by the co-op to ensure ser­vice reli­a­bil­i­ty.

Operation Round Up


For only pen­nies a month or approx­i­mate­ly $6 a year, by round­ing up your month­ly elec­tric bill, York Elec­tric’s giv­ing pro­gram allows each mem­ber to help make a dif­fer­ence for those in our com­mu­ni­ties who need it most.

Graduation cap sitting on stacks of cash.

Touchstone Energy® Scholarships

York Elec­tric is proud to offer some great oppor­tu­ni­ties for youth edu­ca­tion. We award numer­ous annu­al schol­ar­ships – includ­ing $1,000 Touch­stone Ener­gy® Schol­ar­ships – to high school seniors.

Youth Tour

Washington Youth Tour

York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive spon­sors local high school juniors to par­tic­i­pate in an all-expense-paid trip to our nation’s cap­i­tal. Stu­dents get a once-in-a-life­time chance to see our gov­ern­ment in action, and it’s all part of the annu­al, week-long Wash­ing­ton Youth Tour.

Cooperative Youth Summit

Cooperative Youth Summit

Dur­ing the annu­al Coop­er­a­tive Youth Sum­mit in July, we spon­sor local high school juniors to expe­ri­ence our state cap­i­tal with a tour of the state­house, a chance to meet law­mak­ers, and vis­its to Colum­bia attrac­tions.

Be Safe

Safety Demonstrations

We reg­u­lar­ly offer safe­ty demon­stra­tions to stu­dents and oth­er groups through­out our ser­vice area in an effort to teach impor­tant safe­ty lessons to the par­tic­i­pants.

Econonmic Development

Economic Development

York Elec­tric affil­i­ates itself with South Car­oli­na eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment agen­cies to encour­age growth in the state, and our East York and Springlake busi­ness parks both illus­trate YEC’s com­mit­ment to bring­ing qual­i­ty indus­try and jobs to our coun­ty.

Beat the Peak Program

Beat the Peak

Help your co-op con­trol ener­gy costs and save mon­ey by sign­ing up to Beat the Peak, a free and vol­un­tary pro­gram pro­vid­ing ener­gy-sav­ing tips.

The image shows a green solar panel icon with an orange sun, representing renewable energy and solar power generation.

Solar Energy

Your co-op is here to help you nav­i­gate the ins and outs of solar ener­gy. Whether you are inter­est­ed in get­ting solar installed at your home, you already have solar, you’d like to join our Com­mu­ni­ty Solar Pro­gram, or if you just have ques­tions — we have your back.

Touchstone Energy

Touchstone Energy® Cooperative

YEC is a Touch­stone Ener­gy® Coop­er­a­tive, bring­ing high stan­dards of infor­ma­tion, tech­nol­o­gy, and ser­vice to you. Touch­stone Ener­gy coop­er­a­tives are your source for pow­er and infor­ma­tion. Whether it’s the pow­er you depend on every day for your home or busi­ness, or the infor­ma­tion you need to make deci­sions about how you pow­er your life, Touch­stone Ener­gy coop­er­a­tives across the coun­try are here to sup­port you.

What is a Co-op?

Coop­er­a­tives are not-for-prof­it, con­sumer-owned busi­ness­es. Elec­tric coop­er­a­tives were formed in the 1930s with the spe­cif­ic task of elec­tri­fy­ing rur­al Amer­i­ca. South Carolina’s elec­tric coop­er­a­tives now serve over half a mil­lion mem­bers, or near­ly one-third of the pop­u­la­tion of our state. Togeth­er, that makes them larg­er than any oth­er util­i­ty in the state in the total num­ber of mem­bers served.