Peak Demand

We all like to stay cool in the sum­mer and warm in the win­ter, watch our favorite shows, and keep our devices charged. Typ­i­cal­ly, we all do these same things at the same time, cre­at­ing a demand for elec­tric­i­ty. When the demand is the high­est, it is known as a peak.

The Beat the Peak pro­gram is a free and vol­un­tary effort to help con­trol ener­gy costs for all coop­er­a­tive mem­bers. On cold win­ter morn­ings and hot sum­mer after­noons, we can Beat the Peak demand for electricity—together. Help us Beat the Peak!

Peaks typ­i­cal­ly occur on cold win­ter morn­ings and hot sum­mer after­noons, when many peo­ple need large amounts of elec­tric­i­ty at once. That’s when the demand for elec­tric­i­ty and the cost for it is the high­est.

Help HOLD DOWN the cost of pow­er! Sign up to receive a peak alert that shows the pro­ject­ed time of a peak. Then, vol­un­tar­i­ly delay the use of large appli­ances, like dish­wash­ers and clothes dry­ers dur­ing that peak time. Adjust your ther­mo­stat and turn off lights.

Togeth­er, we can keep rates afford­able.