Senior Advantage
Does your power bill come due before your Social Security or disability check arrives?
If so, then York Electric Cooperative has a program that can put your mind at ease and enable you to manage your finances more effectively.
York Electric understands that such problems can often arise. That is why we have developed our Senior Advantage Program that allows you the extra time you need to make your payment.
If you are currently drawing Social Security or receiving disability payments, it is quite possible that the date of arrival of your check can make it difficult for you to pay your power bill by the due date.
With this program, we will read your meter during your normal cycle, then schedule your billing on a deferred cycle, making your payment due after your check arrives. The two alternative due dates are on the 7th or the 22nd of each month.
York Electric Cooperative has always been committed to meeting the changing needs of our members. Today, more than ever, you can count on us for dependable and helpful service.
Members interested in the Senior Advantage Program should contact a Member Services Representative at 803–684-4248 to confirm if their current billing cycle is eligible. Additional qualifications are:
- Member’s account number must be in the name of the person on social security or disability. If the check is in the spouse’s name and the spouse’s name is not on the account, the name can be added if proof of marriage is submitted. A new membership form must be signed by both.
- Member must provide proof of social security or disability (Proof of income, check, Medicare card or bank statement).
- In order to participate, member must have a zero balance on their account. Exceptions are: small balance of less than $25 or a credit balance.
- Member must sign the Senior Advantage form and include the date. YEC must not have received any returned checks from member.
- Member may come into YEC’s office to sign form and provide proof of social security or disability. The form may also be mailed or faxed as long as YEC receives all required information.
For more information, download the Senior Advantage brochure and application: