Senior Advantage

Two people walk hand in hand along a wooden boardwalk surrounded by lush greenery, enjoying a peaceful moment in nature.Does your pow­er bill come due before your Social Secu­ri­ty or dis­abil­i­ty check arrives?

If so, then York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive has a pro­gram that can put your mind at ease and enable you to man­age your finances more effec­tive­ly.

York Elec­tric under­stands that such prob­lems can often arise. That is why we have devel­oped our Senior Advan­tage Pro­gram that allows you the extra time you need to make your pay­ment.

If you are cur­rent­ly draw­ing Social Secu­ri­ty or receiv­ing dis­abil­i­ty pay­ments, it is quite pos­si­ble that the date of arrival of your check can make it dif­fi­cult for you to pay your pow­er bill by the due date.

Seniors on balloon ride

With this pro­gram, we will read your meter dur­ing your nor­mal cycle, then sched­ule your billing on a deferred cycle, mak­ing your pay­ment due after your check arrives. The two alter­na­tive due dates are on the 7th or the 22nd of each month.

York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive has always been com­mit­ted to meet­ing the chang­ing needs of our mem­bers. Today, more than ever, you can count on us for depend­able and help­ful ser­vice.

Mem­bers inter­est­ed in the Senior Advan­tage Pro­gram should con­tact a Mem­ber Ser­vices Rep­re­sen­ta­tive at 803–684-4248 to con­firm if their cur­rent billing cycle is eli­gi­ble. Addi­tion­al qual­i­fi­ca­tions are:

  •  Mem­ber’s account num­ber must be in the name of the per­son on social secu­ri­ty or dis­abil­i­ty. If the check is in the spouse’s name and the spouse’s name is not on the account, the name can be added if proof of mar­riage is sub­mit­ted. A new mem­ber­ship form must be signed by both.
  • Mem­ber must pro­vide proof of social secu­ri­ty or dis­abil­i­ty (Proof of income, check, Medicare card or bank state­ment).
  • In order to par­tic­i­pate, mem­ber must have a zero bal­ance on their account. Excep­tions are: small bal­ance of less than $25 or a cred­it bal­ance.
  • Mem­ber must sign the Senior Advan­tage form and include the date. YEC must not have received any returned checks from mem­ber.
  • Mem­ber may come into YEC’s office to sign form and pro­vide proof of social secu­ri­ty or dis­abil­i­ty. The form may also be mailed or faxed as long as YEC receives all required infor­ma­tion.

For more infor­ma­tion, down­load the Senior Advan­tage brochure and appli­ca­tion:


[PDF] Senior Advantage

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