e‑bill Notification

Less clutter + less stress = free e‑billing

Go paper­less with e‑billing! York Electric’s free e‑bill pro­gram allows you to eas­i­ly access your elec­tric billing state­ment via email. Once you sign up, you will stop receiv­ing paper billing state­ments and start receiv­ing dig­i­tal billing state­ments in your email each month. Make sure you keep the con­tact infor­ma­tion we have on file updat­ed to ensure we can reach you.

Go green and save!

With Bank Draft and e‑bill from York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, you can “go green” and save gaso­line, paper, postage, time and mon­ey! You’ll receive $1 cred­it each month ($12 per year) when you sign up for BOTH.

Your coop­er­a­tive is always look­ing out for you. We con­tin­u­al­ly look for ways to bet­ter serve you and we feel you will ben­e­fit from using the e‑billing pay­ment option. At the same time, we are doing our part to pro­tect the envi­ron­ment by help­ing to reduce paper use, defor­esta­tion and land­fill waste. Most impor­tant­ly, e‑billing saves your coop­er­a­tive mon­ey so we can keep rates as low as pos­si­ble.

If you have any ques­tions in ref­er­ence to e‑billing or any of our pro­grams or ser­vices, please con­tact our mem­ber ser­vices depart­ment by dial­ing 803–684-4248.

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Billing & Payments FAQ

Each month­ly bill is the rolling aver­age of your elec­tric usage for the most recent 12 months. In order to have your account placed on a lev­elized bud­get billing, you need to be a mem­ber of YEC at your cur­rent res­i­dence for one year, have main­tained good cred­it (as defined by YEC), have a zero bal­ance, and pay your bill by the orig­i­nal due date each month. There is no ser­vice charge or month­ly fee, so call us if you want to lev­el it out!
Cat­e­go­ry: Billing & Pay­ments FAQ

This free ser­vice allows you to select a des­ig­nat­ed per­son that we can con­tact when your account goes past due. A per­son may request to be a des­ig­nat­ed third-par­­ty, but must have the account hold­er’s per­mis­sion. Both the mem­ber and this per­son will be noti­fied by phone or mail that the bill is past due. You can sign up to receive this ser­vice by fill­ing out the form and return­ing it to our office. You may also con­tact mem­ber ser­vices at 803–684‑4248.

Cat­e­go­ry: Billing & Pay­ments FAQ

By sign­ing up for e‑billing, you will no longer receive a paper bill. You will have your bill sent to your email address so you can view it and pay it online.

Cat­e­go­ry: Billing & Pay­ments FAQ

Please con­tact your finan­cial insti­tu­tion for help.

Oth­er trou­bleshoot­ing tips:

  • Make sure your device has the min­i­mum com­pat­i­ble require­ments.
  • Make sure your device is up-to-date with the lat­est sys­tem upgrades.

Do you have authen­ti­ca­tion set up on your device?

  • Authen­ti­ca­tion must be enabled to use mobile device pay­ments.

This option allows you to com­bine your accounts that are on the same billing cycle on one bill. This fea­ture is great for accounts with mul­ti­ple meters on more than one cycle such as school dis­tricts or apart­ment build­ings.

Cat­e­go­ry: Billing & Pay­ments FAQ

If a sit­u­a­tion should occur in which you are unable to pay all or a por­tion of your bill, please noti­fy mem­ber ser­vices at 803–684‑4248 as soon as pos­si­ble. They may be able to set up a pay­ment arrange­ment to allow you more time. They may also be able to pro­vide you with a list of help agen­cies that can offer addi­tion­al assis­tance. As a not for prof­it, coop­er­a­tive mem­bers are expect­ed to pay the costs which they incur. We can­not dis­re­gard pay­ments owed to an account.

South Car­oli­na 2–1‑1 is your one-stop resource for find­ing assis­tance in your local com­mu­ni­ty. Use the link below to find ser­vices. Or call 2–1‑1 any time – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – to find vital ser­vices in your com­mu­ni­ty. You can also reach 2–1‑1 toll-free at 1–866–892‑9211. This ser­vice is free and is avail­able in mul­ti­ple languages.nnwww.sc211.org

Cat­e­go­ry: Billing & Pay­ments FAQ

Your pay­ment is post­ed as soon as we get autho­riza­tion from your cred­it card com­pa­ny or bank, often imme­di­ate­ly. Pay­ments sent by mail will be post­ed when they are received.

Cat­e­go­ry: Billing & Pay­ments FAQ

You may select one of the fol­low­ing options to make your month­ly elec­tric bill pay­ment:

  • Pay direct­ly at our main office in York or at our Fort Mill branch
  • Wal­mart– you may now pay your bill at any Wal­mart across the coun­try.
    • Bring your cur­rent YEC bill or bill stub to the cus­tomer ser­vice counter and pay with cash or a PIN-based deb­it card.
    • To allow ade­quate time for pro­cess­ing, please check the dis­con­nect date locat­ed on your YEC bill. Make sure you pay your bill at least 5 days pri­or to the dis­con­nect notice. Oth­er­wise, YEC can­not guar­an­tee your ser­vice will not be dis­con­nect­ed. Stan­dard 3 busi­ness day option is $0.88. Next busi­ness day option is $1.88.
    • Please retain the receipt that is pro­vid­ed to you for your records.
    • For pay­ment ver­i­fi­ca­tion, call (803) 684‑4248 and pro­vide the mem­ber ser­vices rep­re­sen­ta­tive with the 10-dig­it code print­ed at the bot­tom of your Wal­mart cash pay­ment receipt. Find a Wal­mart store near you
  • Bank Draft –The account must be paid in full to begin Bank Draft.  When you sign up for York Elec­tric’s Bank Draft pro­gram, the Coop­er­a­tive will auto­mat­i­cal­ly deduct the amount of your bill from your check­ing account each month. You’ll still receive a month­ly state­ment show­ing you the amount of your bill, but you’ll nev­er have to write anoth­er check to pay your elec­tric bill or wor­ry about let­ting the pay­ment slip your mind.
  • Pow­er­Touch – pay your bill at your con­ve­nience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by dial­ing 1–866–374‑1234. You must have your YEC account num­ber avail­able to make your pay­ment. Fees Apply. Most major cred­it cards are accept­ed.
  • E‑check – allows you to pay your bill by enter­ing in your check­ing account and bank rout­ing num­bers through York Elec­tric’s web­site.
  • Advance Pay – Advance Pay gives you the pow­er to pur­chase elec­tric­i­ty when you want, week­ly or biweek­ly, in the amounts you choose rather than one month­ly pay­ment, allow­ing you to mon­i­tor and con­trol your elec­tric usage dai­ly, week­ly, month­ly with a select pay­ment plan that works for you and your bud­get.
Cat­e­go­ry: Billing & Pay­ments FAQ