Advance Pay

Power your way with Advance Pay

All mem­bers are not alike. That’s why your co-op is now offer­ing Advance Pay, an inno­v­a­tive bill pay­ment pro­gram designed to meet your needs and indi­vid­ual lifestyle with a flex­i­ble pay­ment plan that puts you in charge of your pow­er bill.

You pur­chase elec­tric­i­ty when you want, week­ly or biweek­ly, in the amounts you choose rather than one month­ly pay­ment, allow­ing you to mon­i­tor and con­trol your elec­tric usage as often as you wish.

  • Pay-as-you-go
  • Dai­ly alerts and reminders
  • Mon­i­tor bal­ance and usage
  • Set up Auto Pay
  • No late fee
  • No recon­nect fee
  • No month­ly bill


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How does Advance Pay work?

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When you sign up for Advance Pay, you deposit mon­ey into your account, sim­i­lar to a pre­paid cel­lu­lar phone, and as you use elec­tric­i­ty, the cost is deduct­ed on a dai­ly basis. You will have a num­ber of ways to access and mon­i­tor your account at any time, and mon­i­tor­ing pow­er usage typ­i­cal­ly reduces con­sump­tion on an aver­age of 10 per­cent.

Set up a pay­ment pro­file through our free YEC Mobile App or online and then pay by:

  • Tex­ting PAY to 352667
  • Using the mobile app
  • Log­ging into your online account
  • Call­ing 1–866-374‑1234

You can also select the bal­ance at which you will begin to receive low-bal­ance noti­fi­ca­tions to be sure you have time to pur­chase more pow­er before the meter stops via a method you choose:

  • Text
  • E‑mail
  • Auto­mat­ed call­ing ser­vice

Other Alerts and Reminders

Mem­bers who enroll in York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive’s Advance Pay Pro­gram will be auto­mat­i­cal­ly signed up to receive text mes­sag­ing alerts and reminders for the fol­low­ing:

  • Returned check alert
  • Ser­vice dis­con­nec­tion
  • Low bal­ance thresh­old ($20.00)
  • Bal­ance and usage
  • Pend­ing dis­con­nect or auto dis­con­nect alert

Addi­tion­al alerts and reminders are avail­able for mem­bers via text mes­sage or email through YEC’s Mem­ber Ser­vices Por­tal:

  • Account pro­file change
  • Pay­ment con­fir­ma­tion
  • Ser­vice con­nect­ed
  • Ser­vice recon­nect­ed
  • High usage alert
  • Low usage alert

To sign up for addi­tion­al noti­fi­ca­tions, log in to your account and click on the My Accounts > Man­age Alerts tab at the top of the page to update your selec­tions.

  • Now you can ensure your account bal­ance nev­er runs out. By sign­ing up for Auto Pay with Advance Pay, you can set a min­i­mum bal­ance amount that will trig­ger an auto­mat­ic pay­ment of your choos­ing. Sign up by vis­it­ing the Mem­ber Por­tal.
  • Advance Pay helps you help the envi­ron­ment by end­ing paper billings and mail­ing costs.
  • If funds in your account run out, your meter will stop, the pow­er will be auto­mat­i­cal­ly dis­con­nect­ed, and you will be noti­fied. Once your out­stand­ing bal­ance and the min­i­mum pay­ment are made, even on week­ends and hol­i­days, your ser­vice will be recon­nect­ed in min­utes.
  • If you are already a mem­ber on a reg­u­lar res­i­den­tial rate, you can switch to an Advance Pay account. Any exist­ing secu­ri­ty deposit will be cred­it­ed to your account bal­ance. If you decide that Advance Pay is not for you, we’ll switch you back to a tra­di­tion­al account with an applic­a­ble secu­ri­ty deposit.
  • Advance Pay teach­es the val­ue of elec­tric­i­ty and what uses ener­gy in your home.
  • It also pro­vides absolute con­trol over how much you pay and helps you reduce your ener­gy use.
  • Par­tic­i­pa­tion in Advance Pay is lim­it­ed to qual­i­fied accounts, and the rate is slight­ly high­er than YEC’s tra­di­tion­al rate.

Sign up for Auto Pay

Now you can ensure your account bal­ance nev­er runs out. By sign­ing up for Auto Pay with Advance Pay, you can set a min­i­mum bal­ance amount that will trig­ger an auto­mat­ic pay­ment of your choos­ing.

How to sign up for Auto Pay:

  1. Login to your online account
  2. Click on the Billing and Pay­ments Tab
  3. Click “Auto Pay­ments”
  4. Define your Pre­pay Thresh­old
    The Pre­pay Thresh­old is the min­i­mum amount you choose for your account bal­ance to reach and trig­ger an auto­mat­ic pay­ment. An auto­mat­ic pay­ment will be made to your account when your bal­ance falls below this set amount.
  5. Define your Pre­pay Amount
    The Pre­pay Amount is the dol­lar amount you choose for the auto­mat­ic pay­ment that will be made to your account when it falls below the Pre­pay Thresh­old. You can choose what­ev­er dol­lar amount you want this to be.
  6. Con­firm your Pay­ment Method
    Your auto­mat­ic pay­ment will come from your check­ing account.

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Advance Pay FAQ

Advance Pay is a pre-pay plan that lets you pay when you want, in the amounts you want. Instead of receiv­ing a paper bill each month, ener­gy use is cal­cu­lat­ed dai­ly. Advance Pay mem­bers nev­er pay a late charge, dis­con­nect fees or recon­nect fees.
Cat­e­go­ry: Advance Pay FAQ

Would it be eas­i­er for you to make week­ly or biweek­ly pay­ments rather than one large pay­ment each month? If so, Advance Pay might be for you! Mem­bers inter­est­ed in mon­i­tor­ing and low­er­ing elec­tric­i­ty use could benefit, too.

Cat­e­go­ry: Advance Pay FAQ

You can set up notifi­ca­tions by e‑mail or text to noti­fy you of a low bal­ance, allow­ing time to buy pow­er. If you do not pur­chase more, the meter will stop until funds are applied to your account.

Mak­ing a pay­ment is easy, even on week­ends and hol­i­days! Once pay­ment is received, your pow­er will recon­nect almost imme­di­ate­ly.

Cat­e­go­ry: Advance Pay FAQ