Outdoor Lighting

At York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, we are light­ing your way to afford­able, durable and attrac­tive exte­ri­or secu­ri­ty light­ing. Your coop­er­a­tive offers a vari­ety of stan­dard and dec­o­ra­tive out­door light­ing fix­tures to pro­tect and enhance your home or busi­ness. We install and main­tain all the styles shown in our prod­uct gallery to pro­vide you wor­ry-free out­door light­ing for a low month­ly fee. We offer a wide array of light­ing options. These lights are care­ful­ly designed to pro­vide max­i­mum secu­ri­ty for your res­i­den­tial, com­mer­cial or neigh­bor­hood devel­op­ment prop­er­ty. If you are inter­est­ed in infor­ma­tion per­tain­ing to light­ing costs, con­tact our Mem­ber Ser­vices depart­ment at (803) 684‑4248.

Fol­low the links to the right to request out­door light­ing or request repair to an exist­ing out­door light.

York Electric’s outdoor lighting program provides:

  • Afford­able, low month­ly pay­ments that include instal­la­tion, main­te­nance and ener­gy costs
  • A more secure, com­fort­able envi­ron­ment
  • An auto­mat­ic sys­tem that turns itself on auto­mat­i­cal­ly at dusk and off at dawn
  • A selec­tion of pole types and heights to meet your light­ing needs
  • York Elec­tric’s Engi­neer­ing Depart­ment will help you select the right style, lamp type, wattage and pole to meet your indi­vid­ual needs, pro­vide opti­mum secu­ri­ty and safe­ty while enhanc­ing the archi­tec­tur­al design ele­ments of your home, neigh­bor­hood or busi­ness

Product Gallery

Granville LED Light Fixture

Granville LED Light

Used main­ly in sub­di­vi­sions or office parks.

  • 60 watt LED

  • Black in col­or

  • Mount­ed on 18′ fiber­glass poles

Traditional Outdoor Ligh

Traditional Subdivision LED Light

This colo­nial-style fix­ture com­ple­ments any neigh­bor­hood or office park.

  • 53 Watt LED

  • Black in col­or

  • Mount­ed on 18′ black fiber­glass pole

  • White light not yel­low

Standard Backyard LED Light

Standard Backyard LED Light

Ide­al for perime­ter area light­ing in back­yards.

  • 50 Watt LED

  • Mount­ed on wood­en pole

  • White light not yel­low

ATB2 Roadway LED Fixture

ATB2 Roadway LED Light

These are used main­ly in park­ing lots or road­ways.

  • 270 watt LED

  • Bronze or black in col­or

  • Mount­ed on 35′ fiber­glass poles or wood­en poles

Light Outage Service

If you notice that an out­door secu­ri­ty light installed by York Elec­tric appears to be out or func­tion­ing improp­er­ly, please noti­fy us imme­di­ate­ly by using our online out­door light out­age report form or by call­ing our Mem­ber Ser­vices Depart­ment at 803–684-4248.