Economic Development

Since 1941, York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive has been an active com­mu­ni­ty part­ner and a dynam­ic force in the area’s eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment. We con­tin­ue to serve the homes, farms and small busi­ness­es in rur­al areas, but we now also serve a grow­ing num­ber of com­mer­cial and large indus­tri­al accounts in York, Chester, Chero­kee and Lan­cast­er coun­ties’ expand­ing com­mu­ni­ties. Above all else, our mis­sion is to always look out for our mem­bers.

Work­ing with the South Car­oli­na Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment Board, the York Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment Board, York Coun­ty, the City of York, area Cham­bers of Com­merce, oth­er pub­lic agen­cies and the pri­vate sec­tor, York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive will con­tin­ue to help main­tain a vig­or­ous and pro­gres­sive busi­ness cli­mate in York Coun­ty.

East York Industrial Park

  • 465 ACRES


  • 800+ NEW JOBS


  • Prominent Companies:

  • Anderson UnderBridge

  • MacLean Power Systems

  • Elkem Silicones

Aerial view of York Industrial Park
Map outlining a site development in York, SC, showing parcels, proposed structures, wetlands, and surrounding terrain with contour lines and infrastructure.

Spring Lake Business Park

  • 33 ACRES

This park caters to diverse needs and is ide­al for start­up com­pa­nies, entre­pre­neurs seek­ing scal­able growth solu­tions, and busi­ness­es out­grow­ing their cur­rent facil­i­ty and in need of a small to medi­um-sized plot.

Economic Development by the Numbers

New Jobs
in the Area
Exam­ple Stat
Num­ber 3


York Elec­tric affil­i­ates itself with South Car­oli­na eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment agen­cies to encour­age growth in the state.
Con­tact us to learn more about local and state incen­tives!

SC Dept. of Com­merce
SC I‑77 Alliance
SC Pow­er Team
York Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment
Lan­cast­er Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment