
YEC’s app is ready for your mobile lifestyle

You can quick­ly down­load our mobile app – and access your account dig­i­tal­ly from any­where at any time – by search­ing for “York Elec­tric” in your phone’s app store, click the Apple Store or Google Play but­ton, or scan the appro­pri­ate QR code below.

Download the Co-op Connections® Card app for free!

Now you can have a vir­tu­al card (front and back) with vital pre­scrip­tion dis­count info on your phone, use your phone’s GPS fea­ture to find busi­ness­es that accept the card if any are near­by. and iden­ti­fy your favorite dis­count deals and save them in “My Deals” for easy access.

York Electric App Features

YEC is look­ing out for you – even when you are on the go. Our Mobile App is designed to give you fast, secure account access so you can eas­i­ly man­age your elec­tric ser­vice no mat­ter where you are. You can view your bal­ance, pay your bill, report an out­age, track your usage, sched­ule alerts, and reminders, and stay con­nect­ed with us via social media. Near­ly every­thing you can do from our “Mem­ber Ser­vices Por­tal” can now be han­dled instant­ly from your smart device.



Pow­er out? Report your out­age in the app. Log in and select “Report Out­age” under the left drop-down menu. You can also check repair progress and affect­ed areas with our inter­ac­tive out­age map.


Get a sum­ma­ry of your bills and PDFs of your avail­able bills. The Pay­ment His­to­ry icon con­nects you to a list of pay­ments by month, includ­ing the date and amount of each pay­ment.


From the login screen, you can view office and pay­ment loca­tions along with phone num­bers, address­es, and office hours. Plus, get one-touch access to gen­er­al infor­ma­tion with­out log­ging in.


Get a con­cise sum­ma­ry of each of your bills and link to PDFs of your avail­able bills. If the PDF of your bill is not avail­able, you’ll see a nice mes­sage let­ting you know to check back lat­er.


Once you’ve logged in and select­ed an account, select the Pay­ment icon to ini­ti­ate a pay­ment for that account or, for mem­bers han­dling mul­ti­ple accounts, make more than one pay­ment.


Join us for up-to-date news and infor­ma­tion on Insta­gram and Face­book. From the Face­book login screen, you can con­nect direct­ly to our Face­book page for up-to-date infor­ma­tion about us!

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Mobile Web App FAQ

Yes! All crit­i­cal infor­ma­tion is encrypt­ed in every trans­ac­tion run through the Apps, and no per­son­al infor­ma­tion is stored on your mobile device. How­ev­er, mobile devices do offer you the abil­i­ty to store your login infor­ma­tion for apps installed on the device. If you choose to store your login infor­ma­tion, any per­son who has access to your mobile device can access your account.
Cat­e­go­ry: Mobile Web App FAQ

No. Our Mobile App is com­plete­ly free to down­load and install.

Cat­e­go­ry: Mobile Web App FAQ

Yes. From the list of accounts, either select the option to pay all accounts, or select spe­cif­ic accounts for your pay­ment. You can also make a pay­ment to a sin­gle account by select­ing the pay­ment option when that spe­cif­ic accoun­t’s details are dis­played.

Cat­e­go­ry: Mobile Web App FAQ

The infor­ma­tion you see in the Mobile App is shown in real-time, so it’s always accu­rate. How­ev­er, if you keep your Mobile App open for an extend­ed peri­od of time, you should refresh the page by select­ing a new option in order to ensure the infor­ma­tion is still cur­rent.

Cat­e­go­ry: Mobile Web App FAQ

Our App will dis­play PDF ver­sions of your avail­able bills using the PDF read­er you have on your smart device. We sup­port and rec­om­mend the Adobe PDF read­er for the best results on Android devices. On Android devices, if you do not have the Adobe PDF read­er already installed, our App will prompt you to install it from the Android Mar­ket to ensure you are able to dis­play and view your PDF bills cor­rect­ly.

Cat­e­go­ry: Mobile Web App FAQ

You do not have to log in to view address­es or maps to our office loca­tions or even to get our con­tact infor­ma­tion. Sim­ply open the App and use the “Loca­tions” link at the bot­tom of the login screen.

Cat­e­go­ry: Mobile Web App FAQ

Our Mobile Apps are native Apps that can be down­loaded and installed on your com­pat­i­ble mobile device, while a Mobile Web App is a web por­tal that runs direct­ly in the mobile brows­er on your smart phone or oth­er mobile device. The native Apps give you secure access to main­tain your account infor­ma­tion, to view your bills and your pay­ment his­to­ry, to man­age your alerts and reminders, and to make pay­ments on one or more accounts direct­ly from your mobile device.

The native Apps also allow you to reg­is­ter your accounts to receive push noti­fi­ca­tions for account mile­stones, such as an approach­ing or a missed due date. Push noti­fi­ca­tions are not avail­able through a Mobile Web App.

Cat­e­go­ry: Mobile Web App FAQ

Our mobile apps are sup­port­ed on the fol­low­ing plat­forms:

Android 2.3.3 and up

iOS iOS 7.0 or lat­er

Cat­e­go­ry: Mobile Web App FAQ

Yes. Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be direct­ed to a list of all of your accounts. To see the details for a spe­cif­ic account, sim­ply select that account and the details will dis­play above the list of accounts.

If you only have one account, the details for that account will show up as soon as you log in.

Cat­e­go­ry: Mobile Web App FAQ

The first time you launch the App after installing it on your mobile device, you’ll be asked whether or not you want to enable push noti­fi­ca­tions for our App on your device. Select OK to enable push noti­fi­ca­tions. Next, be sure to select each indi­vid­ual account and enable the “Noti­fy” option for every account you want to receive push noti­fi­ca­tions on this spe­cif­ic device.

If you have our App installed on mul­ti­ple devices, don’t for­get to enable push noti­fi­ca­tions for your accounts on each device, as the push noti­fi­ca­tion set­tings for each account are device-spe­­cif­ic.

Cat­e­go­ry: Mobile Web App FAQ

Our Mobile App is designed to give you fast, secure account access so you can eas­i­ly man­age your elec­tric ser­vice no mat­ter where you are. You can view your bal­ance, pay your bill, report an out­age, track your usage, mod­i­fy and main­tain your alerts and reminders, and stay con­nect­ed with us via Face­book, email, or phone.

Once the app is installed, you can search a map for the near­est office loca­tion and receive push noti­fi­ca­tions regard­ing your elec­tric ser­vice all on your smart devices.

Cat­e­go­ry: Mobile Web App FAQ

Sim­ply look for our name in the App Store or in Google Play.

Our Mobile Apps are sup­port­ed on the fol­low­ing plat­forms:

  • iOS (iPhone, iPod touch, and/or iPad)
  • Android
Cat­e­go­ry: Mobile Web App FAQ

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Mobile Device Payments FAQ

Any walk-in mem­bers in our York of Fort Mill office loca­tions who have a com­pat­i­ble device.

Please con­tact your finan­cial insti­tu­tion for help.

Oth­er trou­bleshoot­ing tips:

  • Make sure your device has the min­i­mum com­pat­i­ble require­ments.
  • Make sure your device is up-to-date with the lat­est sys­tem upgrades.

Do you have authen­ti­ca­tion set up on your device?

  • Authen­ti­ca­tion must be enabled to use mobile device pay­ments.
  • Sam­sung Pay — Fin­ger­print, PIN or iris
  • Apple Pay — FaceID or fin­ger­print
  • Google Wal­let — Fin­ger­print, PIN, pat­tern or pass­word
  • Sam­sung Pay
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Wal­let

Set up a pay­ment profile through our free YEC Mobile App and then pay by:

Tex­ting: Text JOIN to 352667, then fol­low the instruc­tions to pay.

YEC App: Pay through our free YEC Mobile App.

Online: At

By phone: Call (866) 374‑1234.