Business Accounts
Meet Your Business Relations Manager
Markeus Farrand started working at YEC in 2019 and currently serves as the Business Relations Manager. Prior to working at YEC, Markeus worked at multiple electric cooperatives and economic development entities.
Economic Development
York Electric affiliates itself with South Carolina economic development agencies to encourage growth in the state, and our East York and Springlake business parks both illustrate YEC’s commitment to bringing quality industry and jobs to our county.

We’re here to help
Our Business Relations Team is here to serve you, answer any questions you have, and work with you to capitalize on the value of your cooperative membership. Our mission is to provide unsurpassed innovative and diversified service at a reasonable cost while improving the quality of life and promoting integrity, economic development, safety, and a vision of the future.

Markeus Farrand
Direct: (803) 628‑5541

Celeste Smith
Direct: (803) 818‑5207
Commercial & Industrial Accounts
While we’re dedicated to the rural areas of our service territory, YEC has made great strides in improving its economic development efforts and adding to our area’s industrial and commercial base. These are a few of the companies enjoying the benefits of being a member of York Electric Cooperative.