YEC Meeting Room Rental

YEC Meeting Room FacilityIn an effort to serve the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty, York Elec­tric has a 175-seat, mul­ti-pur­pose meet­ing room, which is avail­able for pub­lic meet­ings. The meet­ing room is not avail­able for par­ties, home­own­ers asso­ci­a­tions, recep­tions or wed­dings.

This meet­ing room facil­i­ty is locat­ed at York Elec­tric’s main office at 1385 East Alexan­der Love High­way in York.

A $250 secu­ri­ty deposit is required to use the meet­ing room facil­i­ty.

To inquire about the use of this facil­i­ty, please com­plete the form below. For fur­ther instruc­tions or more infor­ma­tion, please con­tact Emma Sut­ton at 803–818-5266.