Gear Up for Safety Coloring Contest

The dead­line is Fri­day, April 11, 2025!

Show us your tal­ents by par­tic­i­pat­ing in each year’s col­or­ing con­test! York Elec­tric is proud to spon­sor our annu­al Linework­ers Gear Up for Safe­ty Col­or­ing Con­test for chil­dren who are in the first grade.

Teach­ing you about elec­tri­cal safe­ty is impor­tant because we want you to stay safe around pow­er lines. It’s anoth­er way we are look­ing out for you–our youngest mem­bers. To prac­tice for next year, down­load the col­or­ing sheet. Learn how our linework­ers stay safe around elec­tric­i­ty while show­ing off your cre­ativ­i­ty.

YEC coloring contest winners with lineworkers in front of utility truck

YEC’s very own linework­ers judge the art­work to award a prize of $50 and an authen­tic YEC hard­hat signed by your local heroes to the best entry.