Co-op Magnet Design Challenge

York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive is proud to host our Co-op Mag­net Design Chal­lenge each year!

The dead­line is Fri­day, April 11, 2025!

All our bright and brainy York Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive youth, from ages 11–14, let their cre­ativ­i­ty shine through when they enter our annu­al art con­test. Think­ing cre­ative­ly is an impor­tant part of learn­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills, expres­sion, and strate­giz­ing for the best out­come, and we’re proud to sup­port edu­ca­tion and the promis­ing futures of our youngest mem­bers.

Show us your best design that cap­tures “The Pow­er of Com­mu­ni­ty” for a chance to win $100 and have your art­work print­ed and dis­played on each of our trucks for an entire year.

Instruc­tions for enter­ing the con­test are includ­ed in the PDF down­load. Good luck!

Co-op Magnet Design Challenge