Learn with YEC

Five utility workers pose with three children holding drawings in front of an electric service truck. No recognizable landmarks or historical buildings are present.

Think­ing cre­ative­ly is an impor­tant part of learn­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills, expres­sion, and strate­giz­ing for the best out­come. At YEC, we’re proud to sup­port edu­ca­tion and the bright futures of our youngest mem­bers with a vari­ety of con­tests, games, puz­zles, and oth­er brain-build­ing tasks. There’s always room for the grown-ups to learn, too, so scroll down for resources that can ben­e­fit mem­bers of all ages.

Learn with Art

Show us your cre­ativ­i­ty, designs, and bright­est col­ors to cel­e­brate our com­mu­ni­ty and hard-work­ing linework­ers with our art con­tests.

Cooperative Principles Art Competition

Using the medi­um of your choice, cre­ate a work of art that com­mu­ni­cates one of the Sev­en Coop­er­a­tive Prin­ci­ples for a chance to win $300 and have your work dis­played in our main office for a year.

Co-op Magnet Design Challenge

Show us your best design that cap­tures “The Pow­er of Com­mu­ni­ty” for a chance to win $100 and have your art­work print­ed as a mag­net and dis­played on each of our trucks for an entire year.

Linemen Gear Up for Safety Coloring Contest

Show us your tal­ents in this col­or­ing con­test! YEC’s very own linework­ers will judge the art­work to award a prize of $50 and an authen­tic YEC hard­hat signed by your local heroes to the win­ning entry.

Children’s Book Challenge

South Car­oli­na fourth and fifth-grade stu­dents are invit­ed to write and illus­trate a children’s book about elec­tric co-ops.  Win­ning entries will be award­ed cash prizes and  an oppor­tu­ni­ty to get pub­lished!

Learn With Games & Worksheets

Word search and scram­ble, maze, math chal­lenge, cross­word puz­zle & more! 

Knowledge for All Ages

A sign shaped like a pencil with "Love to Learn" in bold letters. A person walks in the background on a sidewalk.

Safety Videos

Edu­cat­ing coop­er­a­tive mem­bers about elec­tric­i­ty is actu­al­ly fun with our play­ful, visu­al­ly appeal­ing new videos.

Soft Skills

Soft skills include how you inter­act with col­leagues, how you solve prob­lems, and how you man­age your work.

Energy Glossary

Ever find our ter­mi­nol­o­gy con­fus­ing? This glos­sary explains the tech­ni­cal jar­gon used in the ener­gy indus­try.

The Cooperative Story


More Resources for Kids… and Everyone Else!

enLIGHT­en­SC includes activ­i­ties, les­son plans, and mate­ri­als that cor­re­spond with the S.C. Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion stan­dards for sci­ence.
Ener­gy Star® Kids helps stu­dents see where our home and school ener­gy comes from, how it is used, and what they can do in their own room to con­serve it.