Start Electric Service

By Phone

Please review and gath­er the basics list­ed above and call Mem­ber Ser­vices at 803–684-4248, M‑F, 8 AM‑5 PM.

In Per­son

Please review and gath­er the basics list­ed above and vis­it us at our Main Office at 1385 East Alexan­der Love High­way, York, SC, M‑F, 8 AM‑5 PM, exclud­ing hol­i­days, or our Fort Mill Office at 2089 High­way 21 By-pass, in Fort Mill, M‑F, 8 AM-12:30 PM and 1:30 PM‑5 PM.

Please note: To pro­vide the ser­vice and atten­tion you deserve, our lob­bies are now open by appoint­ment only. To sched­ule an appoint­ment, please call our team at 803–684-4248.

Welcome to York Electric Cooperative!


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New Business Service

Please apply as soon as you are able. The time­line will depend on whether your busi­ness has all the sup­port­ing doc­u­ments. If your business’s loca­tion requires a pow­er let­ter and/or build­ing per­mit, we will not be able to start ser­vice until you have sent the approval let­ter to YEC.
Cat­e­go­ry: New Busi­ness Ser­vice
  • $25.00 Ser­vice Acti­va­tion Fee (Non-Refund­able)
  • $5.00 Mem­ber­ship Fee
  • Secu­ri­ty Deposit (paid by cash, check, cred­it card, or mon­ey order)
Cat­e­go­ry: New Busi­ness Ser­vice
  • Exist­ing Loca­tions: Secu­ri­ty deposits are deter­mined based on the location’s pre­vi­ous aver­age month­ly bill.
  • New Con­struc­tion: Secu­ri­ty deposits are deter­mined based on the location’s trans­former size.
Cat­e­go­ry: New Busi­ness Ser­vice
  • Busi­ness owner’s driver’s license
  • Fed­er­al Tax Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Num­ber
  • Pow­er let­ter and/or build­ing per­mit (depen­dent on your busi­ness location’s munic­i­pal­i­ty or coun­ty)
Cat­e­go­ry: New Busi­ness Ser­vice
  • York Coun­ty Plan­ning & Devel­op­ment requires busi­ness­es (that are not locat­ed with­in city lim­its) to obtain a pow­er let­ter and/or build­ing per­mit. This is need­ed by the coun­ty to eval­u­ate the use of your busi­ness, and the location’s zon­ing and build­ing codes.
  • There is a pow­er let­ter guide with­in the appli­ca­tion. If you are not able to deter­mine if your busi­ness requires a let­ter, then please con­tact our Mem­ber Ser­vices Depart­ment at 803–684‑4248 (Mon­day Fri­day 8 am‑5 pm).
  • Please con­tact York Coun­ty Plan­ning & Devel­op­ment at 803–909‑7200, and they will inform you on how to obtain a pow­er let­ter.

If you are open­ing a busi­ness in an exist­ing build­ing, there are some things you should know about York coun­ty’s build­ing & zon­ing reg­u­la­tions.


Cat­e­go­ry: New Busi­ness Ser­vice

If you are open­ing a busi­ness in an exist­ing build­ing, you’ll need York Coun­ty’s build­ing & zon­ing reg­u­la­tion guide­lines.

Cat­e­go­ry: New Busi­ness Ser­vice