What was the loud noise I heard outside when my power went out?

Many peo­ple think that the loud noise they heard was the sound of a trans­former explod­ing, due to light­ning or oth­er extreme con­di­tions. This was prob­a­bly not the case. The noise could have been a fuse blow­ing. YEC’s pow­er lines use fus­es in a sim­i­lar man­ner to the way you use fus­es in your home. These fus­es pro­tect parts of our dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem when severe weath­er strikes. The noise can be sub­stan­tial lead­ing many peo­ple to think some­thing has explod­ed. When report­ing an out­age, it is very help­ful when you tell us you heard a loud noise because it helps us iso­late the loca­tion of prob­lems on our lines.

Cat­e­go­ry: Pow­er Out­age FAQ