What services can I access through text?

HELP – pro­vides you with the con­tact infor­ma­tion to our mem­ber ser­vices team and our web­site.

STOP – opts you out of future mes­sages.

BAL – pro­vides the cur­rent bal­ance on your account.

PAY – will process pay­ment by con­nect­ing to your online pay­ment pro­file. Please note, you must add a pay­ment pro­file on the online Mem­ber Por­tal before this fea­ture will work.

OUTAGE – will report a pow­er out­age at your loca­tion.

CALL – pro­vides the phone num­ber to con­tact our mem­ber ser­vices team.

Reply STOP to can­cel and opt-out at any time. Mes­sage and data rates may apply.

Cat­e­go­ry: Text Mes­sag­ing FAQ