Do some retail locations only accept a printed/physical barcode and others accept digital as well as printed?

The accep­tance method is spec­i­fied on the map of Check­Out retail­ers. The cur­rent retail­ers par­tic­i­pat­ing in the pro­gram accept both paper and dig­i­tal, but it… Con­tin­ue Read­ing Do some retail loca­tions only accept a printed/physical bar­code and oth­ers accept dig­i­tal as well as print­ed?

Do some retail locations only accept a printed/physical barcode and others accept digital as well as printed? Read More »

Can a member make a payment on different member’s account with the same barcode?

No. While the mem­ber has the abil­i­ty to make mul­ti­ple pay­ments across mem­ber account num­bers, they must have down­loaded or print­ed the bar­code for each… Con­tin­ue Read­ing Can a mem­ber make a pay­ment on dif­fer­ent member’s account with the same bar­code?

Can a member make a payment on different member’s account with the same barcode? Read More »