Exactly what is this Operation Round Up and more importantly will I recoup the amount that was rounded up?

Oper­a­tion Round Up is a vol­un­tary con­tri­bu­tion on your elec­tric bill which adds a few pen­nies each month. The most you could ever donate in a year would be $12, but most mem­bers’ dona­tions are around $6 per year. These pen­nies are added togeth­er from all our par­tic­i­pat­ing mem­bers, and York Elec­tric’s Trust Board makes grants to non-prof­it agen­cies who are serv­ing needs in our com­mu­ni­ty. Since 2000, York Elec­tric’s mem­bers have raised approx­i­mate­ly $2.3 mil­lion, and we now have 62% mem­ber par­tic­i­pa­tion.

Cat­e­go­ry: Oper­a­tion Round Up FAQ