What is Solar?

YEC Community SolarSolar ener­gy uti­lizes the light from the sun to pro­duce pow­er. Unlike fos­sil fuels, solar ener­gy is avail­able any­where on earth. Solar ener­gy is free, immune to ris­ing ener­gy prices, and can be used to pro­vide heat, light­ing, mechan­i­cal pow­er and elec­tric­i­ty.

The state’s inde­pen­dent, con­sumer-owned and not-for-prof­it elec­tric coop­er­a­tives ― a trust­ed source for reli­able, afford­able and envi­ron­men­tal­ly respon­si­ble elec­tric­i­ty for more than 75 years ― devel­oped MySC­So­lar to help you make informed deci­sions about invest­ing in solar pow­er, prop­er instal­la­tion and safe­ty.

Since 1941, York Elec­tric has pro­vid­ed reli­able and com­pet­i­tive­ly priced elec­tric­i­ty to our mem­bers. Your coop­er­a­tive is your trust­ed source for ener­gy so that you can tru­ly weigh the cost and ben­e­fits of all forms of alter­na­tive ener­gy.

Technician installing rooftop solarCom­mu­ni­ty Solar is an afford­able, low-risk way for mem­bers to ben­e­fit from solar ener­gy with­out any of the has­sles of design­ing, per­mit­ting, installing, main­tain and ensur­ing your own pho­to­volta­ic solar array. Research in South Car­oli­na has shown that the cost per KW for com­mu­ni­ty solar is rough­ly half that of rooftop solar; there­fore, you will get a bet­ter return on your invest­ment by invest­ing in com­mu­ni­ty solar.

While large investor-owned util­i­ties may pro­vide rebates for rooftop solar devices, the mon­ey used for these rebates is recouped in the rate and all cus­tomers share in the cost. While YEC is sup­port­ive of alter­na­tive forms of ener­gy, as a mem­ber-owned coop­er­a­tive, we need to make sure any new offer­ings are fair and not sub­si­dized by those who are not inter­est­ed in the pro­gram.

Solar ener­gy has come down in price over the years; how­ev­er, it is still approx­i­mate­ly three times the cost of more tra­di­tion­al types of ener­gy.



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Solar Power FAQ

Not at all. The sun’s ener­gy is a great, clean resource which we should uti­lize.
Cat­e­go­ry: Solar Pow­er FAQ

Yes! If your sub­scrip­tion pro­duces more ener­gy than your home con­sumes in one month, you will see a cred­it on your account, regard­less of the amount.

Every year the cost of solar ener­gy sys­tems decreas­es. Even with these decreas­es, the cost jus­ti­fi­ca­tion is heav­i­ly depen­dent upon gov­ern­ment tax cred­its. Present­ly pay­back ranges between 9 and 12 years, but this could change dras­ti­cal­ly if incen­tives were to increase or decrease.

Cat­e­go­ry: Solar Pow­er FAQ