
Smart Thermostat Offer


York Electric’s Smart Ther­mo­stat Pro­gram offers mem­bers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pur­chase an ecobee3 lite or ecobee Smart­Ther­mo­stat with Alexa Voice Con­trol at a dis­count­ed rate.

After pur­chas­ing the ther­mo­stat of your choice in the office* or online, a YEC mem­ber ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tive will pro­vide you with an instal­la­tion rebate form with a pre­paid postage enve­lope to return. Upon receiv­ing the com­plet­ed rebate form, receipt from your instal­la­tion, and ver­i­fy­ing that your new sys­tem is online, we will pro­vide you with a $75 bill cred­it.

Enjoy up to 26% SAVINGS on heat­ing and cool­ing,** plus con­ve­nience and con­trol

Adjust your home’s tem­per­a­ture any­time, any­where, like on your way home or while you’re on vaca­tion. Track your ener­gy use to help man­age your costs. Save on pow­er bills by pro­gram­ming the ther­mo­stat to adjust auto­mat­i­cal­ly when you’re not at home.

Join oth­er co-op mem­bers in HOLDING DOWN pow­er costs as the ther­mo­stat also adjusts for a few degrees dur­ing peak peri­ods. These occur on the hottest after­noons and cold­est win­ter morn­ings when the demand for elec­tric­i­ty and the cost of pro­duc­ing it is high­est.


*To pro­vide the ser­vice and atten­tion you deserve, our lob­bies are now open by appoint­ment only. To sched­ule an appoint­ment, please call our team at 803–684-4248.

If you have any ques­tions, please call us at (803) 684‑4248 or email

**ecobee cus­tomers in North Amer­i­ca saved up to 26% on their heat­ing and cool­ing costs, based on an inter­nal analy­sis con­duct­ed in April 2021.

To learn more about ecobees, please vis­it