Smart Thermostat Program

Enroll a Smart Thermostat


Your ther­mo­stat will make small adjust­ments based on peak times. These typ­i­cal­ly occur on cold win­ter morn­ings and hot sum­mer after­noons when demand for elec­tric­i­ty is at its high­est and the cost of it is high. Reduc­ing ener­gy use when demand is high helps keep whole­sale pow­er costs sta­ble.

Your local coop­er­a­tive will pre-cool or pre-heat your house, so you stay com­fy while your HVAC sys­tem saves ener­gy. Plus, you’re always in con­trol. You can adjust your ther­mo­stat at any time.

Hold down pow­er costs for all mem­bers and make a pos­i­tive impact on the envi­ron­ment when you sign up to Beat the Peak.

*If a par­tic­i­pant over­rides 40-per­cent or few­er of the load con­trol events dur­ing a 12-month peri­od of con­nec­tion, the mem­ber will be cred­it­ed $100.00 the 1st year and $50.00 the 2nd year and each year going for­ward.

Save energy and get rewarded

Receive $50 now and $50* a year by enrolling your ther­mo­stat in the Smart Ther­mo­stat Pro­gram! Eli­gi­ble ther­mo­stat brands include Ama­zon, ecobee, Emer­son Sen­si, and Hon­ey­well.

Don’t have a smart thermostat?

York Electric’s Smart Ther­mo­stat Pro­gram offers mem­bers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pur­chase an ecobee Smart Ther­mo­stat Advanced or ecobee Smart Ther­mo­stat Pre­mi­um at a dis­count­ed rate.

c Expand All C Col­lapse All

Smart Thermostat FAQ

Any YEC res­i­den­tial mem­bers who have a reli­able WiFi inter­net con­nec­tion in their home.
Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ

Whomev­er you choose. After the ther­mo­stat is installed and we ver­i­fy the sig­nal, YEC will reim­burse you $75 towards your instal­la­tion cost. You will also be required to pro­vide your receipt.

Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ

When the coop­er­a­tive pur­chas­es pow­er, ener­gy at those peak hours is more expen­sive. The more we can cut down on how much ener­gy is used dur­ing those peri­ods, the low­er our pow­er bill will be. We will use that sav­ings to hold down costs for our mem­bers.

Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ
  1. You must be a mem­ber of York Elec­tric;
  2. You must sign the par­tic­i­pa­tion agree­ment;
  3. You must have an inter­net-con­nec­t­ed, Wi-Fi enabled home.
Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ

A smart ther­mo­stat is a pro­gram­ma­ble ther­mo­stat that con­nects to your home­’s WiFi and gives you the abil­i­ty to adjust your ther­mo­stat set­ting to fit your sched­ule and save ener­gy.

Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ

About 5–6 times per month, the ther­mo­stat will be adjust­ed remote­ly based on sys­tem-wide peak peri­ods.

The events will be 4 hours total, which includes a one-hour pre-cool/pre-heat peri­od and three hours of peak-sav­ing adjust­ment. The con­trol will fol­low this pat­tern:

Pre-cool­ing/pre-heat­ing: +/- 2 degrees
First hour: +/- 2 degrees
Sec­ond hour: +/- 3 degrees
Third hour: +/- 4 degrees


If you nor­mal­ly have your ther­mo­stat set to 75, a typ­i­cal con­trol event begin­ning at 3 p.m. would look like this:

3:00–4:00 p.m.: Ther­mo­stat adjust­ed to 73
4:00–5:00 p.m.: Ther­mo­stat adjust­ed to 77
5:00–6:00 p.m.: Ther­mo­stat adjust­ed to 78
6:00–7:00 p.m.: Ther­mo­stat adjust­ed to 79
After 7 p.m.: Ther­mo­stat returns to 75, con­trol relin­quished


If you nor­mal­ly have your ther­mo­stat set to 67, a typ­i­cal con­trol event begin­ning at 6 a.m. would look like this:

6:00–7:00 a.m.: Ther­mo­stat adjust­ed to 69
7:00–8:00 a.m.: Ther­mo­stat adjust­ed to 65
8:00–9:00 a.m.: Ther­mo­stat adjust­ed to 64
9:00–10:00 a.m.: Ther­mo­stat adjust­ed to 63
After 10 a.m.: Ther­mo­stat returns to 67, con­trol relin­quished

Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ

Mem­bers who pur­chase a smart ther­mo­stat will need to par­tic­i­pate in at least 60 per­cent of peak events through­out the year to receive $100 after one year. If you con­tin­ue to par­tic­i­pate in 60 per­cent of peak events, you will also receive $50 year­ly.

Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ

You’ll be noti­fied of con­trol dur­ing peak times on the device’s dis­play with an option to over­ride. You can over­ride con­trol up to 40 per­cent of the time. If you were to exceed 40 per­cent, a mem­ber is not eli­gi­ble for par­tic­i­pa­tion cred­it per year.

Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ

If you already have a smart ther­mo­stat, please enroll it here.

Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ

York Electric’s smart ther­mo­stat pro­gram gives mem­bers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pur­chase an ecobee smart ther­mo­stat at a dis­count­ed rate. Mem­bers can also bring their own eli­gi­ble smart ther­mostats. By par­tic­i­pat­ing in the pro­gram, mem­bers will agree to allow the coop­er­a­tive to con­trol the ther­mo­stat dur­ing peak peri­ods.

Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ

Please con­tact Brent Clin­ton at or Shane Bak­er at if you wish to opt out of con­trolled ther­mo­stat use dur­ing peak peri­ods.

Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ

An ecobee Smart Ther­mo­stat Advanced will be dis­count­ed to $90 for YEC mem­bers, and an ecobee Smart Ther­mo­stat Pre­mi­um will be dis­count­ed to $145 for YEC mem­bers.

Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ

York Elec­tric mem­bers can pur­chase the ecobee Smart Ther­mo­stat Advanced or ecobee Smart Ther­mo­stat Pre­mi­um. Both have dig­i­tal touch­screen dis­plays and both can be con­trolled and sched­uled using a com­put­er or device (phone or tablet).

Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ

Both accom­plish the same tasks, but the ecobee Smart Ther­mo­stat Pre­mi­um has Ama­zon Alexa built-in. It is voice-acti­­vat­ed and has many of the fea­tures that come with Ama­zon Echo devices. The ecobee also comes with an added room sen­sor to pro­vide more effec­tive cool­ing and heat­ing.

Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ

It’s easy to get start­ed.

  1. Com­plete and sign the par­tic­i­pa­tion agree­ment (PDF down­load below) and bring it into our York head­quar­ters or Fort Mill office to pur­chase the ther­mo­stat of your choice; see options below.
  2. Or apply online here

Cat­e­go­ry: Smart Ther­mo­stat FAQ